chapitre 1

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Nefertia.(mmm another day of work...)
I'm doing the usual morning chores when one of the guards came to pick me up to take me to the throne room.


Osiris. Surely you must be wondering why am I calling you?

Nefertia..... can answer me, I'm not going to eat you!

Nefertia. Forgive me majesty!'s nothing, the reason why I brought you here is very special and I can't entrust her to just anyone!

Nefertia. I understand your majesty and I will do everything to be at the authors of your hopes!

Osiris. I didn't expect less from you!
I should still tell you what I'm calling you for!
You will now be my personel servant!

Nefertia.Thank you for your kindness your majesty!

Nefertia. d'ont feel offended but would you prefers have men as servants ?

Osiris. Ahh, not at all!
It's just that Isis forbade me to take women but since she's not there at the moment she can't stop me!
So do you agree?

Nefertia. Yes your Majesty !

Osiris. Very well !
Ateop will show you your new room!
We will meet again in the afternoon!


Ateop. Come with me...

I followed him down the part reserved for the gods.

Nefertia. We can pass ?

Ateop. We both yes but the others no your new room is right next to his Majesty to facilitate your arrival when he asks you you will have to be present for him at night too!

Nefertia. I don't sleep much so it won't be difficult!

Ateop. Its good because the last one didn't last long!

Nefertia. They failed to satisfy his Majesty?

Ateop. His Majesty has never been happy to have mâle servant ...
They Always try to take is place in the Royal bed...
Now go change !

I hurried to change the outfit was different from the one I was wearing it was more luxurious and open
I hurry out

Ateop. You were quick! doesn't take me long to change!

Hathor. Ahhh she's so cute!

Nefertia. Ahh!

Hathor. You know you're adorable who can you be?

Ateop. Majesty its the new servant of his Majesty Osiris!

Hathor. Ahhh he finally got a girl!
Plus she's so cute!!
But when Isis finds out, we're going to have the right to a great scene!

Ateop. Yes, we must not forget the sweets like last time!

Hathor. Oh yes!

Ateop. If you'll excuse us I still have to show him the rest !

Hathor. Ah yes come on I don't want you to be late but be careful Seth is in a very bad mood today!

Ateop. Thank you for letting us know your majesty -

Seth. Damn!

Hathor. I'll leave you!

Seth. who is she..

Ateop. Your brother new servant...

Seth. !? Nan my stupid sister accepted?

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