Sleepover (Leafy's POV)

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Dear Diary,
My name is Leafy. I like the color green, fairy tales, and happy endings. I feel like I live in a fairy tale sometimes. My boyfriend,  firey, asked me out to prom! I think coiny is taking pin with him, but she hasn't told me yet. Oh yeah, pin's my very best friend, ever since Bfdi started. Although now she's competing in TPOT, we still keep in contact and have sleepovers. We mostly watch Disney movies, and we're having another sleepover today! Except she gets to pick what we do, since I usually pick watching movies. I hope it's something fun at least. The prom is tomorrow, and 4 and X are hosting it, with 2 also coming.
I'm surprised 4 let 2 come, but I guess it's so everyone can go. And I don't mean just the bfb cast. The contestants at Inanimate Insanity are coming as well, which means I'll get to meet everyone there!

I looked at the clock. It's 5:00 pm. Oh god, I better get ready!
After 20 minutes I got to the hotel that pin stayed at.
"Oh hello there, leafy!" 2 greeted me.
"Hi 2! Do you know where pin lives here?" I asked.
"Hmm, let me check..." 2 said as they pulled out a list of names. " A-ha right here!" He said, "She should be in room 107 on the 4th floor!"
"Thanks, 2!" I said before walking to the elevator and clicking the 4 button. After a few seconds, I got to the 4th floor and found room 107. I knocked and waited. And waited, and waited, and waited. After a long time of waiting, pin opened the door and I gave her a tight hug. It's been a long time since I saw here (aka a few months) and I really missed her! She seemed just as happy as I was.
"Hey leafy! Nice to see you again, I really missed you," pin said.
"I did too! What are we gonna do today?" I asked.
"Come in and I'll show you!" She said as I let go of her. God, I wish I had her voice, it sounds just like an angel's .
"So we will be playing truth or dare, but with cards!" She grabbed a pack of cards and made 2 piles with them, and later went to the kitchen. Then it hit me. Did I really just thought her voice was an angel's? I sat there nervously, as she came back with snacks and coke.
"Okay, you can go first!" She exclaimed.
"Ok, truth or dare?"
"Hmm, dare!" She said.
I grabbed a card. It said to eat 5 snacks. Damn, I wish I got that card. I showed her it, and she ate 3 bags of chips and 2 cookies in less than 30 minutes.
"Ok my turn! Truth or dare?" She said
"Hmm, truth!"
" What is your deepest secret that you've never told me?" She said as she read the card.
I thought about it, then finally said, " I lied about being straight, I'm bisexual actually."
She looked very surprised, and later gave me a hug.
"Well I support you! After all, I'm bisexual myself!" She said. We both laughed.
We continued the game. I had to do 3 cartwheels, and pin said she thought 2 was a pretty lame host. It was all fun, until pin said dare. I grabbed a card, and once I saw it, I wanted to scream.
"Hey leafy, you alright?" She asked.
"Oh uh yeah!" I lied.
"Here let me see the card." She said as she snatched it out of my hands. She looked at it, then gasped a bit. The card read, "kiss the person who chose dare".
"Leafy, we don't have to do it, we can get another card if you want.." she said, sounding a bit sad.
"No we can do it! It's just.. what will firey and coiny think?" I asked.
"Well you see, me and coiny aren't dating..." she said as tears started forming in her eyes.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry.." I said as I hugged her. I felt very guilty at this point I didn't care if we kissed, I just wanted her to be happy.
I brought her close to my face and kissed her on the lips for a few seconds. We broke the kiss and later Pin fell asleep in my arms. I took her to her room, laid her in her bed and snuggled with her.
The kiss was only platonic, right?

(761 words. Yay we have gay already)

She's My Happily Ever After (a leafpin story because yes) warning: cringeWhere stories live. Discover now