Our Special Thanksgiving (Part 2)

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Author's Note: This one-shot takes place in a post-crisis world where Oliver is alive because it just makes me happy to think the four Smoak-Queens actually ended up together.

Hope you all enjoy!

"I can't believe everything is actually perfect for once. Felicity and I are not only getting to spend the holiday with our kids, but also with Barry and the other West-Allens. And I really hope this doesn't jinx my curse and everything, but I actually feel truly at peace with them," thought Oliver, smiling to himself as he walked alongside the others moving towards the grand dining room that lay in front of them.

"So, how have things at the Citizen been going?" Felicity asked Iris, an air of excitement carrying her cheery voice.

The four parents had been so busy balancing raising their kids and their now part-time jobs as superheroes that they hadn't gotten a chance to catch up in over a month. Felicity had taken up the task of being the hostess for the night, both because she loved to do it and Oliver didn't.

That's something that she would actually agree on with my mom.

"It's been great, Allegra's really taken up a leadership role since I made her my chief editor," explained Iris in a way that only someone truly passionate about their job could have.

Let's just say that I never really felt those feelings towards my mayoral job, though Rene did me no favors in that department.

"That's great, Iris," smiled Felicity as she gently squeezed her friend's hand.

"Agreed, though it's only half as great as you are," added Barry as he looked into his wife's eyes, lovingly, Nora still beaming a toothy smile from within his lean arms as she watched her parents intently.

"Aw, thanks, Barry," Iris smiled, kissing him on the cheek.

"They do know that we're still here, right?" Confirmed Mia as she walked between her brother and father, one hand locked in each of theirs.

"Probably not, but it's sweet, anyway," replied William, sincerely as both he and Oliver took turns gently spinning little Mia around.

Oliver couldn't help but smile at his kids' nice banter, happiness filling his whole heart.

If there's one thing people were wrong about when it comes to me, it's that nothing has ever made me happier than having a family.

The four Smoak-Queens and their guests soon sat down for a nice Thanksgiving dinner, Oliver and William working together to bring out the many delicious dishes that had been cooked for this special occasion, each one seemingly better looking than the last.

"The only thing I even miss remotely as much as I miss you guys while I'm at college is your food, dad," joked William as he grabbed a honey roll from on top of the basket they were bringing out, biting into its' sweet-tasting exterior.

His face wore a sweet smile, one that Oliver loved seeing on his son's face.

"Thanks, William. Also, if it's any compensation, I miss you probably ten times as much as you miss me," stated Oliver, his voice soft as he looked into his son's brown eyes.

It doesn't matter how old he gets, I'm always going to appreciate every moment I get to have with the remarkable man he's becoming.

"Wow... um, I don't even really know how to respond to that. Thanks, dad," half-smiled William as he pulled his father into a tight hug, his head lightly resting on Oliver's muscular shoulder.

"Anything for you, William," whispered Oliver as he shut his eyes, taking in his son's every breath as their embrace lasted for several more seconds.

I really am the luckiest father in the world.

Smoak-Queen Family One-Shots: Our Hearts Lie with the Ones We LoveWhere stories live. Discover now