The Magic of My Daughter

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Author's Note: This one-shot takes place in the original timeline where Mia grows up only living with Felicity.

Love you all and hope you enjoy!

"I swear my daughter gets more beautiful every day," was the thought that occurred to Felicity Smoak-Queen every morning as she stretched her tired arms from a long night's rest.

The smell of fresh oak trees drifted inside her quaintly decorated bedroom. As a kid, Felicity always used to be terrified of leaving her window open in fear of unpleasant animals entering the house. Most notably, insects ("flies are the literal embodiment of King Tut's tomb!" she would always exclaim to Donna if the latter attempted to let some of the cool night breeze in), but every night since Oliver was forced to leave with Monitor four years ago, she would leave the glass-paned window open.

It sounds a little crazy, but the wilderness reminds me of him, both in the sense of physical attributes and personality.
"Time to make breakfast," a sleepy Felicity muttered quietly to herself as she moved through the room'plum-colored doorway.

Her teal pajama pant legs drug lightly against the cabin's hardwood floors as she walked, her mind already filling with the many things she had planned for the day.

I can't believe it's finally time to show Mia my flower garden!

Planting had become one of Felicity's favorite pastimes since she retired from Team Arrow all those years ago.

"Now, what's a good surprise breakfast for a four year old?" Thought Felicity as she gently tapped her fingertips against the kitchen counter.

It wasn't exactly hard to pick out something Mia would eat because the toddler practically ate anything she could get her hands on, though her favorite hobby was by far sucking on her mom's favorite silver necklace.

It still amazes me how she managed to find the one sentimental thing small enough to fit between her tiny teeth, yet hates any pacifier I try to give her.

"That's it! I'll make Mia my special chocolate pancakes!" exclaimed Felicity, her voice raising to a much louder volume than originally intended.

She immediately cupped her hand over her mouth, waiting in silence for several seconds, hoping beyond belief that her shout hadn't woken Mia from her peaceful sleep, though no footsteps were heard. Felicity breathed a sigh of relief, jumping straight into baking her daughter's special breakfast.

Phew! That was too close.

In just around half an hour, she successfully placed a massive stack of soft pancakes on their kitchen table, maple syrup nearly dripping off the white plate's edge.

Drumroll, please...

"Mia, breakfast time!" called Felicity, small circles of white flour dotting various parts of her face.

A dainty, rosy-cheeked little girl suddenly came racing down the hall, her wavy blonde hair bouncing against her back avidly.

"Mia, be careful!" warned Felicity, nervously as she watched her daughter's bare feet skid to a stop mere inches away from the table.

"Don't worry, mommy. I was just having a little fun," smiled Mia widely, her laugh echoing around the cabin.

"And there's nothing I want more than for you to be happy as long as you're being safe," stated Felicity, kissing her daughter on the top of her head, comfortingly.

"Okay, I'll only run halfway there next time," reassured Mia, a grin covering her face.

"Mm hm, just go eat your breakfast," urged Felicity, barely suppressing a laugh herself.

Smoak-Queen Family One-Shots: Our Hearts Lie with the Ones We LoveWhere stories live. Discover now