There's Nothing I'm More Proud of than My Family (Part 2)

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"It's just like Rene to ruin my bonding moment with my son," thought Oliver, bitterly as he and William walked into the center room of the Bunker.

He wasn't really angry about Rene interrupting their conversation (well, maybe a little) but rather, that he didn't want his nice moment with William to end, period. He knew it was kind of selfish to want his kids to himself all the time, but that didn't change how he felt even in the slightest.

He really has grown into such an incredible young man.

"So, what villain is trying to destroy the city, today?" Asked William, his voice probably sounding more jovial than he intended it to considering the circumstances.

Oliver couldn't help but smile at his son's enthusiasm.

"Pretty sure you're going to want to see this for yourselves," replied Dinah, her eyes darting towards Oliver's as she spoke.

She seemed worried which was definitely not a typical emotion Dinah felt, especially one she preferred showing.

What is she not telling us?

"Is there really a need to be so secretive, I mean how bad can it..." Started William before his eyes met the monitor screen, his body suddenly turning ice cold.

As soon as Oliver caught a glimpse of what they were up against, he knew exactly why Dinah had been acting so strange.

Of all the enemies to come back from the dead...

The video footage was of a haunted house located near the edge of Star City, its gloomy gray exterior only adding to Oliver's sense of dread. He saw the front door slowly open, a taller, brown-haired man quietly exiting the building dragging an unconscious Emily Pollard from the building. The man in question was none other than Adrian Chase.

"Please tell me that's not who I think it is," breathed William, his hands too shaky to keep typing on the computer.

"I don't think we're that lucky," scoffed Rene, rolling his eyes.

Oliver didn't say anything, his mind sill racing a million miles a minute.

Why did it have to be him? After everything I had to go through to take Chase down so my family could be safe and now he's alive. I have no doubt that he's going to try and threaten them again.

No, I won't let any of them get hurt, not again.

"But what does he want with the mayor?" questioned Dinah, thoughtfully.

Oliver didn't have to think twice about Chase's plan before answering his teammate's question.

"To lure me out," stated Oliver, plainly as he swiftly moved over to the weapons rack and grabbed his green bow off the upper shelf.

"Which is exactly why you can't go out there," reasoned William firmly as he walked up to his father.

The room suddenly fell silent, none of its occupants being bold enough to respond before Oliver did.

"I think this might be our cue to leave," whispered Rene to Dinah, gesturing towards the door.

Dinah nodded in agreement before they quietly left the room.

Yeah, that's probably for the best with the conversation we're about to have.

"I appreciate you worrying about me, but Chase is my problem and I'm the only person who can defeat him," explained Oliver, placing his hand on his son's shoulder.

It wasn't anything against his team, but Adrian Chase was by far one of Oliver's hardest foes to face. He knew first hand just how easily Chase could break someone.

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