There's Nothing I'm More Proud of than My Family ( Part 3)

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Why didn't he just let me get hit?! I mean, I know why, but he shouldn't have put himself in danger just to save me!

"Dad!" exclaimed William, immediately using his left hand to stop his father from falling backwards.

"Didn't see that one coming, did you, Ollie?" smirked Adrian before he was abruptly ripped off his feet.

Roy's fast reflexes had enabled him to dodge the dart, though it seemed unlikely Adrian would have the same luck with his next so-called "obstacle."

"What did you hit him with?" Demanded Roy, his hand gripping the collar of Adrian's shirt tightly.

"Oh, relax, it's just vertigo," scoffed Adrian, struggling against the hero's ever increasing rage.

Roy slammed the villain's back against the wall, his other hand slowly moving up his enemy's chest before stopping around his neck.

"Dad, talk to me, please," pleaded William, anxiety crawling up his spine as he watched his father lean up against the peeling wall.

"I'm okay," Oliver panted, trying his best to hide the overbearing weakness that coursed through his veins.

Clearly, he's not fine, but it's okay because I practically know the cure to vertigo by heart, thanks to that week of science protection lessons mom planned for me while dad was in prison...

"Just stay here while I go get you a cure," reassured William to his father before spinning around on his heels.

He was used to the pressures of field ops (especially since his primary partner was Mia) but this felt like something completely different. Like someone was continuously punching him in the chest after each breath.

"Oh no," muttered William, his eyes drifting to the corner of the room where Roy stood, his fist repeatedly slamming against Adrian's already bruised face.

"Is it just me or do all of our missions end in complete chaos!" Thought William, hurriedly as he rushed over to his friend's side.

"You really are Oliver's protege," commented Adrian, barely ducking low enough to avoid Roy's flying fist as it dented the wall behind him.

"Roy, you have to stop!" exclaimed William as he placed his hand on Roy's shoulder, desperation carrying his voice.

He'd learned that trick from John a few weeks prior during one of the team's training sessions.

Roy angrily elbowed outward, clocking William straight in his right eye. He stumbled backwards slightly, feeling the throbbing pain from the powerful punch already sinking in.

"Just focus on one thing at a time, William," he reminded himself, his hand instinctively touching his injured eye before moving back over to help Roy.

"You don't get to hurt my friends!" commanded Roy through gritted teeth as he punched Adrian onto the ground with a mighty blow to the stomach.

"I didn't know Oliver kept caged animals now, too," spat Adrian, panting heavily as he looked up at his enemy.

Roy balled his right fist, pulling it back as far as he could, his bloodlust induced anger taking full control of his every movement.

"Roy, you can't do this!" called William as he ran in front of Adrian, his face nearly level with his friend's fist.

"Move or I'll make you," growled Roy, his voice getting harsher with each word.

"I can't do that, Roy, because I know this isn't you," stated William, determinedly.

It didn't matter how many terrible things Adrian had done to him, he couldn't just stand by and watch Roy kill someone.

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