There's Nothing I'm More Proud of than My Family (Part 1)

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Author's Note: I'm honestly not entirely sure where this story takes place in the timeline considering it has all four of the Smoak-Queens and Adrian Chase in it, I just thought it could be a really cool concept to explore with one of my all-time favorite Arrow pairings!

This story is mostly built around the traumatic history that both Oliver Queen and his son, William Clayton, share regarding Adrian Chase and subsequently, Samantha's death. These two are such strong-willed, kind-hearted men, even if they don't always realize it. Technically, this story does take on a spooky, Halloween-esque feel, though I don't think it really counts as a holiday story.

Love you all and hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it!

"It's over, dad. They've got us surrounded," admitted William nervously as he stood back to back with his father, Oliver.

In front of them stood a massive army of thirty Bratva men, each one seemingly bigger than the one standing behind them. Most grasped sharp-bladed silver knives in their hands for a more "personal" touch during their fights, though the occasional enemy preferred a small firearm as a safer option.

"It's not over until they're on the ground and you're safe," countered Oliver, pulling his green bow's knocking point back slowly.

"Don't you think that's a little over dramatic considering the circumstances?" commented William, his gaze never wavering from the muscular men.

"I can never be over dramatic when it comes to protecting my kids," stated Oliver, firmly.

"That is a false accusation, Mr. Queen, for none of your best efforts will keep your kids, or yourself safe now. At least, from us, that is," smirked the biggest of the men, his beer-stained teeth showing vibrantly as he spoke.

Loud cries of laughter echoed within the old weapons factory's walls, the metal revibrating the ugly sounds.

"We'll see about that," whispered Oliver through gritted teeth.

Okay, you can do this, William. I mean, it's just thirty guys, right? How hard can it be?

And with a loud Pow! Of Oliver's fist hitting against the leader's face, complete chaos broke loose around them.

All the men charged towards their two enemies, their furious fists raised high above their heads. Oliver swiftly elbowed the first one in the jaw, knocking him to the ground before immediately engaging in his next brawl.

Meanwhile, William was struggling to even weave between the fighters, ducking just beneath one of the men's fists before kicking his attacker in the chest.

I've done this like a million times! Why am I choosing the one time I'm actually working with my dad to screw up!

"Is that the best you've got?" spat the leader, cherry red blooding dripping from his lower lip.

"Not even close," stated Oliver before flipping one of the other men onto the ground, releasing a strong powered punch to their face.

William ran past the large crowd currently waiting to fight his father, his black sneakered feet skidding against the dirty concrete ground before finally coming to a stop near a looming power generator.

The cylinder-shaped generator almost reached the forty-foot tall ceiling, blue lightning coursing through its center. William could've sworn he saw a soft eerie white glow pulsating around its structure, flashing bright light across the room every few seconds.

If this thing didn't have over 2,000 watts of nuclear energy sparking from its core that could very easily level all of Russia then, it might actually be kinda cool.

Smoak-Queen Family One-Shots: Our Hearts Lie with the Ones We LoveWhere stories live. Discover now