chapter 23

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Kie's POV:

I was on a plane on my way to California. Sophia was staying at my parent's house and JJ was just sleeping there in my room while I was gone. This was the easiest way for JJ to be with his daughter and still work.

I arrived in California and and Sarah picked me up from the airport and brought me back to their apartment.

"So how's JJ?" She asked flirty

"He's good.. Still with Taylor" I said

"Girl, you've got to tell him you love him"

"Everyone keeps telling me that"

"Time to start listening"

Sarah and I spent today just relaxing and then John B got home from work. It was fun catching up with him. The next day, Sarah took me out to all her favorite spots. We had a spa day, went shopping, took lots of pictures, and it felt like nothing had changed between us.

The next day we went to the beach and hung out with John B. It's funny not having Sophia here because I still had my mom brain. As much as I love John B and Sarah, our lives were totally different now. It's taken me a really long time to get here but I'm glad things ended up the way they did. It's like I was always meant to be a young mom. I suddenly stopped missing the college party years that I never got and realized I missed my daughter like crazy.

JJ has been sending me pictures and calling at bedtime. He should be calling soon. We were back at their apartment when my phone rang. It was from a number I didn't recognize. It was now 9pm, way passed Sophia's bedtime. I answered the call and the person wanted to facetime. I saw Soph's face on the screen.

"Mommy" She cheered

"Hi, baby! Where is daddy?" I asked

There was this girl that so didn't recognize on the screen. She smiled and said, "I'm Haley, Taylor's best friend. They asked me to babysit her tonight"

I was so fucking pissed. How could JJ just leave her with a total stranger. I didn't even want Sophia alone with Taylor. I started shoving things into my suitcase as I said, "Okay, well be good for Haley. Mommy will be home soon. I love you so you much, Soph"

The call ended and I was frantic. I was explaining to John B and Sarah about what happened. They tried to calm me down but I just worried. Haley was at my parents house with Sophia. Where were my parents? Why wasn't JJ watching her?

"I need to leave right now" I said moving my plane ticket

"Kie, by the time you get there it will be morning"

"I know you guys don't understand, but my baby girl is with a stranger right now"

"JJ would never leave her with someone he didn't trust. I'm sure it's all fine" John B said

I went to the airport and caught the next flight home. I cut my trip three days short. I was so anxious on the way home. When I landed, it was 6am the next morning and I took an Uber to my parents house. I rushed inside and Sophia was asleep in her bed. JJ wasn't there but my parents were in their room.

I woke them up and asked, "Where is JJ?"

"I'm not sure... He had Soph with Taylor's sister last night"

"Watch Soph" I said leaving and driving to JJ's house

I pounded on the door until JJ opened it. He was still half asleep.

"What the fuck is happening?" I asked insanely pissed at him

"What do you mean?"

"You left Sophia with a stranger last night. You promised me you would take care of her while I was gone. I never agreed to you leaving her with a babysitter"

"She isn't a stranger. She is Taylor's best friend and Soph was in great hands. I'm sorry I didn't think I needed to tell you. She is my daughter and she was safe"

"Where were you?"

"I was out last night with Taylor and your parents had an emergency at the Wreck. So Taylor had her friend come over to watch Soph"

I was still filled with rage and after going at it fir a few minutes with him he said, "I got engaged last night, okay?"

My whole body tensed up. He proposed to Taylor. What? How did I not know this was coming?

"You proposed to her?"

"Yeah, we're getting married" He said

"Wow... Um congratulations" I said trying to pull my words together

Taylor appeared wearing only JJ's shirt and I saw the ring on her finger. She smiled and said, "I guess he told you the good news"

"Yeah, I gotta go" I said turning my back to them and rushing to my car

I drove off and so couldn't go home. I screamed and hit the steering wheel as hard as I could. I just lost JJ forever. He was getting married. Why the fuck do I keep ruining every chance I might have with him?

I bawled my eyes out for a while in my car parked on the beach before I went home. My mom was up with Sophia.

"Everything okay?" My mom asked

"Everything is perfect. He's getting married" I said heading to my room

"Married?" Sophia asked confused

Shit. I looked at her and said, "Yeah, Taylor and daddy are getting married"

"Yay!!" She clapped her hands and I ran upstairs and fell apart again

Sophia followed me and I couldn't hide my tears. She hugged me and said, "Sorry"

"I'm not mad at you. You have nothing to be sorry for"

"Mad at daddy and Tayworl?" She questioned

"No, I'm not mad at anyone. It's good they are getting married. You can be happy for them. Mommy is just a little sad"

"Because mommy loves daddy?" She asked and I have no idea how such a small little girl could understand what was going on

"Yeah" I answered and she just gave me a hug

I felt so guilty having my two year old daughter being the one to comfort me. She just hugged me and I held onto her and she said, "Don't cry mommy, daddy loves you too"

My sweet little girl. I was going to be okay. JJ is happy and that's all that matters.

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