chapter 19

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Kie's POV:

We were all in my car. JJ was driving, I was in the passenger seat, and Sophia was in her car seat. We were heading to see Pope in college. He was going to Harvard which was a bit of a drive from OBX. It was Thursday afternoon and we were spending Friday and Saturday with Pope and coming home Sunday morning.

Sophia was pretty good in the car. JJ and I would switch off sitting in the backseat next to her. Pope was still in a dorm so we got a hotel room.

We checked in and I waited in the room with Sophia while JJ unloaded the car. I texted Pope that we were here and he came over.

"Uncle Pope!" Sophia said running to hug him

Pope had always been great with her. He hung out with us and then left when we put Sophia to bed. I was going to sleep in one bed with Sophia and JJ was in the other.

Pope showed us around his campus and we explored the city. We met some of his friends and he loved showing his niece to everyone.

JJ was in the hotel room with Soph while she napped and I was out to lunch with Pope.

"So, JJ and Taylor"

I laughed and said, "Yeah, it's been interesting. Sophia can't find out about her"

"How do you feel about that?"

"It doesn't matter how I feel. All that matters is Sophia in this. And  that JJ's happy"

"You're right, Sophia matters and you can't be the best mom to her if you aren't happy. Your happiness matters, Kiara. If you love him you need to tell him"

I laughed and said, "Thanks Pope, and I'm happy. Promise"

Pope gave me a look like he knew I was lying. I changed the subject and we continued talking and then JJ and I switched off. I took Soph and let JJ and Pope hang out alone for the evening.

The whole hotel room situation wasn't awkward at all. Soph loved me and JJ being right there. Before we knew it, we were heading back home.

Things went back to normal and we celebrated Sophia's second birthday. I woke up the morning of her birthday and on the kitchen counter was a card with my name on it and a bouquet of flowers. I smiled as I knew they were from JJ.

The day I gave birth, he brought me flowers and he didn't the same on her first birthday. I opened the card and was shocked by how much he wrote. His messy handwriting was always shockingly easy for me to read.

I started reading what he wrote and I found myself in tears.

Happy two year anniversary of giving birth to the best gift anyone could ever give me. I still remember the night you told me you were pregnant. We had just graduated high school and we were so young. I was terrified to have a baby but so excited at the same time. You were meant to be a mom. Because from day one of finding out you were pregnant to today, you've always done what's best for Sophia.

Holy shit, Kie... She's so perfect and beautiful just like her mom. Thank you for all that you do every single day. You're providing our daughter with such a great life. So much has changed in the past few years, I know Soph's birthday is the best day of your life (it's mine too) so enjoy it.

You are the most amazing mom and I wouldn't want my daughter to have anyone else as her mom. Thank you for being my best friend and mother to our daughter.

Love, JJ

I was wiping tears away. This was so sweet of him. I texted him and told him to come over. He came over and I hugged him and said, "Thank you for the card and the flowers"

"You're welcome... I know it's not much but you deserve it. You carried her for nine months and gave birth. It's the least I can do"

We started making Sophia her favorite breakfast, chocolate chip pancakes. We went and got Sophia up and she was so excited to see JJ. We brought her downstairs for breakfast and she saw all her presents and the balloons and decorations and she was so excited.

We ate breakfast together and then I went and got her dressed while JJ cleaned up. We took her to this indoor trampoline park. She had a blast. We spent the day as a family and that night we did cake and presents. JJ and I got her presents together and she just wanted to play with all her new toys.

We put Sophia to bed and JJ asked, "Hey, can we go for a drive?"

"Sure, let me just let my mom know so she knows to listen for Soph"

I let my mom know and then I got in JJ's car with him and he started driving. We went to the chateau.

"What are we doing here?" I asked confused

"It would be irresponsible for us to smoke weed in front of our daughter" He said pulling a joint out from his pocket

I laughed as he lit it and took a hit. He then passed it to me. We sat in the hammock together passing it back and forth.

"I can't believe she's already two years old" I said

"Neither can I... I know I'm biased, but I think we're doing a pretty damn good job with her" JJ said

"Yeah, we have" I said smiling thinking about how far we've come

Next weekend was a bigger party for Sophia. Sarah, John B, and Pope were all coming home for the party. We talked about that a little bit.

"Do you remember that night?" I asked him thinking about the night we hooked up

JJ chuckled and said, "We were so fucking wasted and stoned out of our minds, but of course, I remember. It was the night our daughter was conceived. Do you remember it?"

"Every moment...." I answered honestly

"Me too" He whispered

"Did you plan it? When you brought me to that beach hut did you plan on having sex?" I asked the question that has been driving me crazy

"No, I didn't plan on having sex with you. I snuck you away because I wanted to spend my graduation night with my best friend. I planned on trying to kiss you that night because it's something I wanted to do since I met you. The rest of that night just came naturally"

"So it wasn't one of your stupid hook-up plans?" I asked scared to know the answer

"Fuck no, I would never do that to you. I never want you to think that that night was one of my stupid hookups. It wasn't and I never want you to think it was..." JJ stopped and looked at me

"Are you okay?" He asked concerned

What was I supposed to tell him? No, I want to re-live that night with you right now. I want to go back to when you wanted to marry me and say yes. I want to go back to that night we were making out on the couch and continue that night with him. I want to go back and tell him that I love him. That I want to build a life together. I want it all. Marriage. More babies. Everything with him.

I looked at him and said, "Yeah, I'm good. It's just been a long day and I'm getting tired. Will you take me back home?"

"Yeah" He said as we left the hammock and he dropped me off at home

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