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"How are you ladies doing?" You said as you peeked into Ochako's and Tsu's dorm room.

"We're fine," Ochako said.

"Good. Now, let's get these cuffs off. Shall we?" You smiled and held your hands out. Ochako was the first to walk over to you. You took off her hand restraints.

Ochako pulled her hands away and rubbed her wrist. "Those things really start to hurt after a while."

"Ribbit," Tsu agreed as you uncuffed her.

"Well, I hope you two get to be comfortable here," you said.

"Thank you for this," Ochako said. "May I ask you something?"

"Of course," you said.

"About Eri," Ochako said. "Deku said that you and Dabi were taking care of her. Is she happy?"

"Well, did she look happy when you saw her?" You chuckled. "Yeah, I like to think she's happy. She's really getting a chance at a normal life." You smiled at the thought of Eri trying to fight Dabi. "Dabi is very kind to her if that's what you're worried about."

"I just-" She sighed and sat on her bed. "I didn't think that those people could be good, but seeing how happy everyone is now," she trailed off. "And after what Shigaraki said."

"They're not bad people," you said. "I mean, in my opinion, they were always good people who did bad things, but, besides that. They're good people now, and I have all of your best interests in mind."

"You're very kind, Ribbit," Tsu said. "What will we do here?"

"Well," you said. "There is around-the-clock staff here to help you with whatever you need. Though, the people here at night are mainly here to make sure you all are safe. Starting Monday, there will be therapy sessions, classes, and other things you can do to be able to have the plan to reenter society. It'll run more smoothly when we finally fill these rooms, but for now, you just get to pick where you wanna do stuff, though, I highly recommend you talk to our psychologists and career development staff. All of this will be explained in more detail after your Monday breakfast."

"Interesting," Ochako said. "You really wanna help us, huh?"

"Yeah," you said. "You and all of your peers deserve this chance. It's better than rotting in a cell, right?"

"Yeah. Thank you, ______," Ochako said.


"Don't mention it." You smiled.


Hawks sighed and ran his hands down his face. "I think it would be best if you students turned yourselves in."

"What?!" Denki exclaimed.

"We can't! We'll be thrown in jail and-"

"Relax," Hawks said. "I mean, turn yourselves over to my friend. She'll help you."

"The saint?" Shinso said. "What does she have to do with this?"

"She opened a center to help student heroes reenter society instead of rotting in a sell. If you keep following us, you'll stay a fugitive. If you go with her, you'll get a chance at a normal life."

"We can't just give our lives over to the villains!" Denki exclaimed.

"The program is legit," Hawks said. "I checked it out myself. Just go to the address and tell them you wanna get help. ____ will help."

"We don't need help!" Mineta said. "We-"

"I agree," Mt Lady said. "That girl is doing good things for you kids. Sticking with us will only put you in harm's way."

"But, isn't that part of being a hero?" Denki said.

"There much be other heroes there," Shinso said. "Maybe they'll side with us."

"No, you're not listening to me." Hawks said. "You're gonna go there and cooperate with ___, okay? Not try to stage another revolt. Get some therapy or something, lord knows we all need some. Go to school and get a job-"

"What is there left if we can't be heroes?" Denki said.

"Be a cop or something," Hawks said. "Just do what is right, like a real hero should."

"What about you two?" Shinso said.

"We'll just lay low," Hawks said. "Separately." He looked at Mt Lady.

"Separately?" She said.

Hawks nodded. "Less of a chance we'll get caught and thrown into Tartarus," he said.

"Then what?" Mt Lady said.

"Hopefully, ___ will be able to help us," Hawks said.

"You're putting a lot of faith into this girl," Mt Lady said.

Hawks smiled. "She's got our best interest at heart, ya know. She's helping the kids, so maybe, eventually, she'll get Shigaraki to agree to let us go."


"Welcome," you said with a grin. Mineta, Shinso, Denki, and Todoroki stood before you.

"She's hot," Mineta drooled.

"I hope you all are happy here," you said. Then, Dabi knocked on the window of the room.

"C'mon, Doll! We've gotta get Eri's ice cream," Dabi said.

"Coming!" You called.

You noticed Todoroki tense at the sound of his brother's voice.

"Izuku will show you guys around," you said. "Have fun!" Then, you left.

"Deku!" Mineta sobbed. "You're okay!"

"Yeah, what's the plan?" Denki said. "How are we gonna, ya know." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"We're not," Deku said. "____ worked hard to get us here, so we're gonna do right and-"

"Do right?" Shinso said.

"We're gonna be normal people," Deku said. "No more wars or fighting. Think about it. The country is finally at peace, now. Starting another war wouldn't be the hero-like thing to do."

"Does Bakugo know about this?" Todoroki said.

"He's here too," Izuku said. "Let's just live normal lives, okay?"

"Sounds good to me," Mineta said. "Whatever you say."

"____ knows Toya," Todoroki said. "How?"

"I'm not entirely sure," Deku said. "I just know that they look after Eri."

"Interesting," Shoto said.

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