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"How do you know her?" Mount Lady urged as she shook Hawks by his shoulders.

"C'mon, tell us!" Momo exclaimed. "Maybe she'll be on our side."

"I knew her before I became a hero!" Hawks exclaimed. "Please, stop shaking me!"

She stopped.

"What do you know about her?" Shinso said.

"Nothing," Hawks said. "Just that her name is _____."

"But you two were friends?" Mount Lady said.

"Yeah," Hawks said. "But, she was a little weird. She hated taking pictures or even being seen in public, which is why I was surprised that she's on TV now. She was so secretive, I don't know anything about her besides her name."

"That's it?" Mount Lady said.

"Yeah," Hawks said. "I met her when I was 15 or 16, and she disappeared right after I became a hero."

"She could be a huge piece in saving the world," Mt Lady said. "If we can get her on our side."


You held Dabi and Eri's hands as you three walked down the street. Dabi carried a few bags in his freehand and Eri held a stuffed elephant in hers.

"So, where to next?" You said.

"We're going food shopping, then we're going home," Dabi grumbled.

"Why so grumpy, Master?" You said.

"You spent 30 minutes looking at stuffed animals."

"They all were so cute!" you exclaimed. "I couldn't just pick one."

"Ridiculous," Dabi said.

"I like mine," Eri said.

"What will you name your elephant?" You said.

Suddenly, a thief burst out of the store you were standing in front of. He had a bag of cash under one arm, and he yanked Eri from your hand with the other.

"Ahh!" Eri exclaimed.

"Eri!" You exclaimed.

"No one fucking come after me, or the kid gets it!" He exclaimed.

Dabi didn't even react, he just watched you in awe. You used your quirk, a purple light glowed around you as you disappeared from sight, reappearing behind the thief with one of your hand scythes in your hand.

"Kenji Manohara," He stiffened once he heard his name. "How did you-"

"Are you really willing to die over this?" You threatened from behind him.

The thief immediately released Eri. You used your quirk to lift the thief into the air and hang him upside down. Eri ran to your side and gripped your skirt. You tucked away your hand scythe before she could see it, and walked over to Dabi's side.

"We should go," Dabi said.

"Yeah," you muttered, your cold eyes bearing through the man's skull, literally putting a bounty on his head.

Eri clung to you, her body trembled.


Eri was basically glued to your side for the rest of the day. When you went to the kitchen, she went to the kitchen. When you served Dabi tea, she pushed the cart. When you went to the bathroom, she waited in the hallway. She would not leave your side, not even when night rolled around. You had planned on 'taking care' of Mr. Kenji Manohara, but Eri was in your bed.

"Alright, kid," you said. "Why are you stuck to me like glue?"

"You protected me," she muttered. "You're my hero."

"You use the word hero very loosely," you said.

She shook her head. "No, you saved me. You're a hero, ____."

You gave her a rueful smile. "I'm far from a hero, but thank you. I promised you I'd keep you safe, and I never break a promise."

Eri stared at you. "Sounds like a hero to me."

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