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You sneezed, spilling orange juice all over yourself and the floor.

"I'm so sorry, I'll go and clean that up," you said.

"I'll do it," Dabi said. "Are you okay?"

"No no, I'm fine," you said.

Dabi grabbed your wrist and put his hand on your forehead. "Coming from someone with a literal fire quirk, you feel warm," he said. "You must be getting sick. Go lay down."

"I'm not sick," you said. "I'm fine, don't worry about me."

"____," Dabi said. "Get to bed."

"No, I'm fine," you said, then, you erupted into a coughing fit.

"That's it." Dabi lifted you up, over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" You exclaimed.

"Absolutely not," Dabi said. He carried you to his room and dropped you on the bed.

"I need to finish breakfast!" You exclaimed.

"No you don't," Dabi said. "You need to rest."


Dabi leaned down and grabbed your chin. "I fucking swear if you get up from this bed, I'm going to fuck you," Dabi said gruffly, his piercing blue eyes staring into your purple ones.

Your eyes widened and your face went bright red.


"Keep your ass in bed." Then, Dabi walked away.


You woke up to Eri and Dabi standing over you. They both wore Doctor coats and stethoscopes. You sat up and smiled. "What are you two wearing?"

"We're gonna doctor you up, ___!" Eri exclaimed with a smile.

"I warmed up a can of soup," Dabi said. "The recipe in your book seemed too complicated."

"I helped," Eri said proudly. "And we got you cough drops, cold medicine, tea, and strawberries!"

"Ah, I'll just have the strawberries," you said with a chuckle.

"You'll eat this soup and take the medicine," Dabi said.

"Why are you being so mean to me today?" You said.

"It's not mean," Eri said. "You gotta take the medicine to get better!"

"Damn," Dabi said. "Even a nine-year-old is telling you to take the medicine."

You rolled your eyes. "Whatever. What did you two eat for lunch?"

Dabi put his hand over Eri's mouth. "Oh, ya know, cup noodles and moldy bread-"

"Dabi," you said.

"Well, take your medicine and eat your soup. We'll check on you later," Dabi said. Then, he walked out of the room.


You walked down the stairs and looked in the kitchen, where Eri's laughter could be heard all throughout the house.

She stood on a stool next to Dabi. There were random food items all over the kitchen counters and floors.

"Okay," Dabi said. "Now, try this." He held the spoon to her lips and she tasted it.

"Yuck! Too salty!"

"Dammit!" Dabi exclaimed. "I can't cook for shit."

"We'll get it right next time!" Eri exclaimed as she stuffed another cookie into her mouth. "What's the next recipe?" She said with her mouth full.

Dabi flipped through your cookbook. "Okay, this one seems easy enough," Dabi said. "Tomato soup. You just bake the tomatoes, garlic, and other stuff. Then, blend it in a pot."

"Okay, but it's almost dinner time. That'll take super long!"

"I'll just use my quirk then," Dabi shrugged. "It'll cook in seconds."

"Please don't," you said. Dabi whipped his head around and looked at you. "What are you doing out of bed?"

"Watching you two," you said with a chuckle.

"Get back to bed." Dabi waved a spoon at you. "Sicky."

"I can make dinner," you said. "I feel great after resting for the day."

"Absolutely not," Dabi said.

"Also," you said. "Where is the cake?"

"We ate it for lunch and a snack!" Eri exclaimed.

"You ate cake all day long?" You said.

"Shush, kid!" Dabi exclaimed. "What did I tell you before? Go back to bed."

"Fine," you said. "But, don't use your quirk to cook!"

"Yeah yeah, bed!" Dabi exclaimed.

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