Chapter 25.

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Bullets shot rapidly towards the teens. They could barley fight the men behind the guns, Never mind kill them. For the first time ever, they might actually lose the war.

Death was becoming more inventible. It wasn't just them against the monster of beacon hills, they were the monsters and beacon hills was the savour.

Gunfire rang through Alex's ears, she clutched them painfully.

She turned away from the piller, a gasp broke through the gunfire as she watched a gun slowly pointed to Scott McCall's head. With just one trigger he would be dead, he was the final piece of Gerard's game. It had always been Scott McCall.

Just as the man's finger pressed against the trigger, his body was plummeted by a car. One very specific car.

The blue jeep

"Didn't think you're doing this without me did you" stiles leaned out the window,

"Without us" Derek showed up next to him

Alex's face lit up at the duo, Derek hale always knew how to make an entrance.

Dereks eyes glowed a bright blue as he snarled, before pouncing into action. He seemed to take on the hunters pretty easily, which helped the other wolves step in. Each one taking out a series of hunters.

Derek slammed one hunter to the ground, grabbing his gun and tossing it to alex who was now taking part.

Alex grinned at the Wolf, she refused to actually fire a bullet. It would only further the argument that they were killers. Instead she used it to knock out a few men who came towards her - which she would admit, was quite fun.

The sound of bullets came to a relieving stop, the sound of cars driving away took their attention as they watched Munro and her minions escape.

With silence came the straggled breaths of Deucalion.

"Can you heal him?" Scott asked, looking desperately at Alex

"She.....can't" Deucalion stammered

"Gerard...What he fears most... He can't beat you. And he knows it." He chocked, just as his eyes closed.

"It's really started, hasn't it?" Malia gulped,

Scott stood up, his eyes seemed to relax as he noticed his former alpha. Scott wrapped his arms around Derek and surprisingly, Derek hugged him with just as much strength.

"As much as I enjoy the impromptu family reunion, what are you doing here?"

"I found a pack slaughtered in Brazil. There were two words written in blood on a wall. "Beacon Hills." Derek explained,

"You came back for Beacon Hills?" Scott said, hopefully

"No." Dereks head shook " I Came back for you. All of you"

𝙎𝙆𝙔𝙁𝘼𝙇𝙇 // 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙀𝙎 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙆𝙄Where stories live. Discover now