Chapter 11

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This may the longest chapter I've written. Enjoy!


The argent bunker was the only place that could be bolted closed, it wasn't guaranteed to keep them safe but it did give them extra time before the ghost riders stormed through what was left of their town.

All the doors were locked and bolted, no one was getting in - at least not without a fight

"So, how cold does this thing get" Scott asked

They all looked at the machine in front of them, it was mainly used for parish, a machine like that would only be safe for a literal man on fire.

"Cold enough for a Hellhound." Lydia replied 

"It's not the same as the ice bath you gave Isaac but, it can lower your core temperature past anything a human can survive."

"So what does freezing our asses off have to do with our memories?" Malia asked, sounding unimpressed

"It'll slow your heart rate, and put you in a trance-like state."

"Like hypnosis." Alex added

"Hypnotic regression." Lydia muttered "If we can figure out how to work it."

"This says "start," so, maybe it's not that complicated"  Malia pointed

Scott scanned the rest of the machine, noticing all the other nobs and gadgets "It's complicated."

"So, optimistically, how much time do you think we need to do this?" Isaac asked, it was a questioned no one wanted to ask.

"As much time as Liam and Stilinski can buy us" Scott told them 

Alex clasped her hands together, "so, who's First"

"Not you" Scott shook his head

Alex arched her brows "Um.. why?"

"This isn't made for humans, it goes lower than any human body can handle"

Alex squinted her eye, "im sorry, did you forget what happened in the last year. Im a successful chimera, you know that makes me more supernatural than human"

"He's right" Lydia agreed "putting you first is too much of a risk, we need to try on Scott first, he's the strongest off all of us"

Alex scoffed under breath.

Scott pulled of his T shirt, he handed to Alex and she dropped it over the chair.

Malia reached over and pressed the start button, the machine came to life with low buzz. Scott's heart rate picked up as the machine turned on - at least that's what the other wolves hear

"Okay, it's doing something. You ready?" Lydia asked

"Just remember to be safe" Alex said, "we don't need to lose anyone else"

Scott nodded reassuringly, with nothing left to be said, he opened the door and stepped inside the ice chamber. He pulled the door shut and Lydia locked it close

"Remember, this will get cold enough to kill you. So if something feels wrong or like, it's not working..."

"It's going to work." Scott cut in,

"I hope you're not saying that because you think I know what I'm doing.

"I'm saying that because I know you can figure it out"

Lydia nodded, she began to turn the last dials. The chamber began to fill with cool air, they all watched cautiously as Scott awaited the bone crippling cold.

𝙎𝙆𝙔𝙁𝘼𝙇𝙇 // 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙀𝙎 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙆𝙄Where stories live. Discover now