Chapter 23.

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Alex stretched out her shoulder, her body wasn't healing as fast as it used to; the bullet wound left lingering pain and a list of physio.

Exhaustion was eating her up from the inside, she could barely sleep, but no one really could; not when their own homes weren't even safe

Alex was used to bad dreams, but ever since she was shot - they were indescribable. The inuk ite was draining her dry before it even got to her.

Stiles walked into his room, Alex was sitting up just staring at the wall. Her mind growing more distant by the second,

"Hey, you okay?" He asked

Alex zoned back in, blinking a few times "fine"

"You sure?"

Alex nodded, "yeah.. yeah I'm good"

Stiles sighed, he crouched down in front of her "Alex.. Scott filled me on everything, including your new found lack of interest in anything that has been happening"

"Stiles I-.."

"Alex" stiles interrupted, "I didn't believe it on the phone, I don't now. What's going on?"

Alex rolled her eyes, "Scott obviously didn't mention what I told everyone else when they asked, I'm tired. I'm exhausted, and I'm not wasting time fighting the inevitable"

"Is it getting bad again?" Stiles asked,

"Oh god" Alex groaned, standing up "I'm not suicidal stiles, I'm just not fighting. Why is that so hard to believe!"

"Because I as well as everyone espe knows you far to well to know you done just stop Alex. You fight until there is nothing left to fight"

"Exactly!" Alex exclaimed, she winced as her arm ached with the sudden motion.

"Don't over-.."

"Over exert myself, I know" Alex interrupted,

"I'm always the one fighting, the dagger baring maniac who has taken down all the enemies including her own. But I don't want to fight anymore, it's a waste of time. Everytime I fight my family, I get hurt - literally. So I figure I let them win"

Alex sat back down, rubbing her shoulder "I don't know why everyone is so bothered about my lack of emotion for this"

"Because" stiles sighed, "you always fight. No matter how tired you are, how hurt you are or how numb you are. If this is genuinely because you are finished than I will understand and I will be finished with you, hell I'll drive us away right now. But if it's more, than tell me Alex, talk to me about it"

Alex's knee bounced up and down anxiously, she took her hair behind her ear, "I'm scared stiles, I've been scared before but this is different. This thing wants me, needs me. I-.. I'm scared of it all, and Gerard.. Gerard has power now , power he didn't have before. He has an army, an army that targeted us, an army that used a different bullet just for me, what is that bullet had have hit Scott it Malia or Isaac or -.. the last time Gerard had power, my mother died and my sister was brain washed. And I keep saying he has nothing left to take from me but that's lie because he does. Because he just tried, if Lydia or Melissa had died...god it's just-.. everything is personal now. And I figure if I stop fighting, they will stop attacking"

"Why couldn't you say this to anyone else?" Stiles asked, softly

"Because I don't want to admit it, if I admit it. They win"

"Alex... if you stop fighting they win"

Alex rubbed her forehead, "I don't have anything left stiles. I'm so exhausted, and every part of me regrets not leaving that day. God I should have left"

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