Chapter 5.

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"You're late" Malia pointed out

Alex was never late, she may have never showed up sometimes but she was never late, her mind had been further occupied for days.

She wasn't getting much sleep, and when she did, it was either interrupted by a shadowy figure she couldn't identify or, if not that, dreams or nightmares about whatever Stiles was.

Last night was a mix of a dream and a nightmare, she could see the back of him, he was wearing a red checked shirt - something about it felt familiar, she was calling out what he assumed was his name but he was just standing there, he was still.

When she finally reached him, she turned him around and his face was just skin, no eyes or mouth or any distinguishing feature, just smooth skin.

Something Alex wished she'd never seen.

"Yeah, and you look exhausted" Isaac adds

"Alex are you sleeping?" Lydia asked

"Okay thanks. I get it I look tired, let's move on"

"Did you find something?" Allison asked, pulling the attention away from her sister

"Lydia found a relic, it's a connection to a Student who was taken" Scott filled them in

"Okay, if he was suppose to be erased how was something left behind?" Alex asked

"A conservation of mass" Lydia started "The total mass of any isolated system remains constant."

"So, even the Ghost Riders have a weakness" Scott realized

"You got that, from what she said" Isaac stared,

"This is good right? Maybe stiles left something"
Alex hoped, she didn't like to let herself hope but she had nothing else to rely on.

"A relic would be proof that Stiles existed" 

"And maybe we can bring him back"'


Alex stood next to Lydia in sherif stiliskis office, Lydia convinced Alex to come with her, pointing out that Alex blacked out the same night she did.

Lydia had a feeling that Alex was somehow deeply connected to stiles and Alex wasn't once to question the banshees intuition.

"You want to search my house?" Sherif Stilinski asked in disbelief,

Alex nodded, she clasped her hands together "Yeah. You see they sound like good plans until someone else repeats it" 

"People are leaving things behind. So if Stiles left anything..." 

"Why, why would it be there?" He asked

"You can't just erase someone!" Alex burst, "It's impossible. People just don't disappear without a reason, We can't just forget someone. Think of it like a missing persons case. Only it's a John Doe. People don't disappear from memories, it's beacon hills so it has to be something bad"

"And they always leave something behind" Lydia finished

Noah sighed heavily,  "I couldn't sleep last night. So, um, I got up, figured I'd do some paperwork. The files were in the back of my car. So, I-I go to the garage, and some junk has fallen off a shelf and I, I stubbed my toe on an old baseball bat. Without thinking I yelled a name..." he explained

"Stiles" Alex finished, "you said stiles


"Anything I can do to help" Claudia asked,

𝙎𝙆𝙔𝙁𝘼𝙇𝙇 // 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙀𝙎 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙆𝙄Where stories live. Discover now