Chapter 4.

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"Stile, an arrangement of steps that allows people, but not animals, to climb over a fence". Lydia read from her laptop "Yeah, somehow I don't think these are the stiles we're looking for."

"Who knows maybe we really are trying to remember an arrangement of steps" Alex cracked, receiving only dry looks.

"Maybe Malia's found something." Lydia suggested

Isaac shook his head, "No.She's been taking a make-up test all morning"

"Maybe we are all insane, maybe we are actually looking for an arrangement of steps" alex ranted

Allison rubbed her sisters arm "you haven't slept all night, why is this bothering you so much"

"Because!" She raised her voice, quickly shying away from the staring eyes "because, how can we completely forget someone. What if I genuinely loved this person, I haven't loved anyone ever.. not the way two strangers fall in love anyway. I just can't wrap my head around the concept of forgetting a whole person, how was he just erased from our memories and why the hell didn't we take more pictures"

There was a short silence, Alex felt slightly embarrassed for her outburst, but whatever this was, whoever he was - it wasn't leaving her mind without a valid explanation.

Alex was pulled from her anxious mind, the familiar sound of a coyote howl was heard from the school. Lydia stood from the table, everyone grabbed their things before running off to find Malia

The pack ended up finding her in the school basement, she had fully shifted into a coyote, it wasn't the first time this had happened, she has seemed to be losing control

Scott and Isaac stood in front of the girls, Natalie Martian and sheriff stilinksi stood to the side, letting the teenagers do what they knew best.

"Hey mal" Alex held out a hand, "you're okay, you're safe"

Malia only growled louder, not cowering away from them like they had expected.

"Maybe you should growl back?" Sheriff Stilinski suggested "Scott, you're the Alpha.Can't you just make her a little more docile?"

"She's not the problem. We are" Lydia mumbled

"What was that?" Alex asked

"This is her territory. we need to get out of here" Lydia explained.

They nodded and moved closer to the corner, giving malia time to calm down and become herself again.

"Malia came here to get through the full moons. Then we started using the lake house." Lydia explained

Natalie's brows furrowed at her daughter "I thought you said a wild animal got in the lake house."

"Just be happy about all the things I don't tell you." Lydia muttered,

Malias growls had grown quieter, they all turned around and she walked from the shadow, fully human with an almost sorry look on her face.

Both adults looked away, Alex handed malia her clothes; The pack had become used to her shifting from coyote to human.

"It's all right.I'm okay." She reassured, mistaking the look on the adults faces as concern.

"Any idea what made her shift?" Sherif Stilinski asked

Scott sighed, "She's under a lot of pressure. School, her life after graduation."

"Her mom trying to kill her." Lydia added

"Pretty normal" Alex shrugged

"but would that make her shift?" Allison asked

"It shouldn't" Scott shook his head

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