"I Love You" (by InRodWeTrust)

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...I looked at Rod's tired eyes. The street light shines on his eyes, and light his reflective safety vest. From the retroreflective tapes of silver shining in the dark alley, to the neon green that overwhelms the look of the vest with its unnatural, alien combination of colors, the safety vest is the only thing that stands out in the alley as it flutters violently with the strong gusts of wind. The light on his hat lights up the path, and with the apartment keys on one hand and my left hand on the other, we walk to our apartment building.

"I've been nervous to say this but..."

I looked at him in curiosity, waiting for him to be brave and reveal his secret...

"I... I love you, Railo..."

I was taken aback from this comment. I had had a sense of romance and affection to him, but I just hid it because he told me that he was aroace. I wondered to myself, why would Rod say this to me even though he is aroace? The grieving thought plagued me so bad that I just simply asked him.

"But Rod, you're aroace!"

"Don't worry about that, Railo..." he said in an assuring tone. "I had valued my job more than having a lover back then. I thought having a lover would make me worse at my job as the leader of the road work team. Over the next few weeks, however, I soon lived to regret it. I was shouted at by drivers one day and got scolded by TPM. Flagger tried to cheer me up, but I was too depressed that day so I went home and cried. I realized that I needed someone to be there; I needed someone to tell about my day and my problems; I needed someone to hug and be with during the darkest times; I needed someone to lift me up and make me feel happy again; I needed to try to find a lover. ...and that lover is you. Sure, I could've dated someone at the workplace, but I didn't want my whole life to be about work; plus it seemed to me too... unethical... to say the least. I felt like you were meant to be my close lover. I'm sorry if I dragged on too long but—"

I gave Rod my biggest, most loving hug ever. I squeezed his body and gave him my all in that hug. I could not give him my glee and happiness. He looked surprised when I did the hug, but he eventually joined him, eyes closed.

When we were done, I suddenly realized that it was dark already. The setting sun was no more, and the sky was only pure darkness.

"Quick, let's go in," I said, tugging him by the arm a bit.

As we walked into the apartment building and into the elevator, we disappeared from the main hallway, as the elevator doors close shut.

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