12. The Ball

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It is my last day living as a Captain in Naboo. The maids are all bustling around, preparing for the ball in honour of the Queen, me and my army, and the Jedi who helped us to victory. It's not often we host such a lavish celebration in the palace. Padmé doesn't want to always flaunt her wealth and status; she is one with the people. 

All the busyness in the Palace becomes too much for me. I head to the gardens to have some fresh air. I take a walk round all the greenery and flowers laid in rows, stretching for a good mile. It is calm and quiet out here, apart from the birds chirping within the trees. The gardens was where I practised during my army training; where me and Padmé would play hide and seek; where we would say goodbye to our parents when they went off for Official Naboo business. Where we said goodbye to them for the very last time before they died. The gardens hold both bad and good memories, all very special to me. I head to the centre where a big bandstand-like structure, covered in bright coloured flowers stands. I stand underneath its cover for a while looking back at the Palace, taking all its beauty in before I leave. All my bags are packed and I chose a new Captain this morning, which I shall properly appoint them during tonights ball. I look up to see a familiar face standing on one of the balconies. It is Obi-Wan, who puts os head in his hands once I look up to him. I still haven't spoken or even seen him since our heated argument yesterday. He was so out of order, I don't think I can ever forgive him for hat he said. 

I turn and face away from and continue walking through the gardens. A small boy runs over to me. 

"Adelita! Adelita!" The young boy calls out to me, running over to me. I turn around and pick him up in my hands. 

"What a pleasant surprise Anakin" I say to the boy. 

"Guess what!" He says all excitedly. 

"Hmm, what?" I ask him. 

"They've let me become a Jedi. Obi-Wan is to be my Master and I am heading to Coruscant later this evening after the ball." He says, without any pause for breath, his face going red. 

"I heard! Congratulations Anakin, I am very proud of you."

"Do you think my mother is?" I look at the sweet boy. 

"Of course she is very proud of you. She always will be. You are going to protect the Galaxy which means you will be protecting your mother, even if you don't see her for a while." I say to the boy. 

"Are your parents proud of you?" 

"I'm sure they are Anakin. Wherever they are now, I am sure they are looking down on me and Padmé and are so very proud of the women we are becoming." I say with a bittersweet tone in my voice. 

"I'm going to miss Padmé" He says. 

"Me too little one."

"You too?" Anakin looks very puzzled. 

"I am returning to Coruscant too. Master Windu is going to become my Master."

"What? Really?! That's amazing. We are both going to become Jedi." I put Anakin down and jumps around, looking so happy. I notice Obi-Wan approaching the two of us and my mood instantly changes. Anger begins to fill up inside of me. 

"Don't tell Obi-Wan about this, ok? I shall tell him in my own time." I say to the boy before Obi-Wan reaches us. 

"Is that because you two love each other?" Anakin asks. I cough and Obi-Wan looks a little startled as he heard the question Anakin asked. 

"No I do not. Jedi don't know how to love and I am just his acquaintance. Someone he just knows. And it will stay like that. I am worth a lot more. Everything can go back to the way it was before." I look up at Obi-Wan who is too stunned to speak. 

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