1. The Visitors

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"Adelita! Please I need your help!"
I put my book I was reading down and stood up from the cozy egg chair I was sitting on. My sister bursts through the door with panic and anxiety spread across her face.
"Padmé? Is everything alright?"
I say with concern. She's shaking.
"I am so worried about the plan. What if my decoy is killed. It will be my fault for hiding under disguise and an innocent citizen of Naboo would have been killed!"
"Sister, Naboo needs their queen. And I need my sister. This plan will work. It is there to keep you safe, which keeps Naboo safe."
I explain to my sister.

Padmé is my older sister. She is queen of Naboo and I am also her guard. We were both young when our parents died but Padmé was ready to rule. She made me the Queen's guard, head of the army, the moment she was appointed. I am Captain Adelita Amidala. Adelita is a Spanish name for noble. Spain is on planet earth, on a galaxy far far away. Our parents only went there once. We never went there again. It's too far to travel. Besides, my duties lie with protecting Queen Amidala. My parents knew I would be a noble fighter, and my sister would be a noble leader. How well she fits that role of queen.

Padmé slowly sits down.
"You need to stop worrying. Jedi have been called for so we can defeat the Viceroy and restore Naboo to its peaceful nature"
Padmé sighs.
"I guess you're right Adelita. I just hate this conflict so much. It's unfair to my people all this unnecessary fighting. They're innocent people!"
"Me and my army along with the Jedi will restore peace...I promise Padmé"
I place my hand on her shoulder trying to show her support and comfort.
"The Jedi will arrive soon, we need to get you into your maiden decoy outfit" I say
"So even the Jedi won't know the 'queen' isn't actually me?"
"It's safer this way, sister. The less they know, the better." I exclaim.

This was the plan. Jedi would come and help take the queen and her maids to safety. But before they could arrive, the ruthless Trade Federation had started holding hostages and got to the queen. Well, the 'queen'. But to the Jedi, the decoy was actually the queen to them.

As I heard the shouts that the 'queen' was in trouble, I turned to Padmé now I'm her maiden outfit.
"You need to find safety. Head to the maiden quarters. They'll know where to hide. I am going to find the Jedi and rescue the queen. We'll come for you and leave Naboo. It's too unsafe at the moment to stay here."
"But I can't just leave my people!" Padmé cries.
"This isn't me, your sister talking. This is me, your captain, protector of Naboo talking! We have to leave. If the Viceroy thinks the queen has left, he will send his army elsewhere and then we can return and settle this dispute."
Padmé thinks for a little.
"Ok, ok, fine. Just go, now. Find the Jedi. The sooner we leave the sooner Naboo will be safe"
I smile at her,

I run towards the docking station looking for any sign of Jedi. A ship's door opens letting two men leave down the ramp towards the runway. One is an adult, very tall and wearing a long brown robe. The other is smaller, he looks a lot younger. He has no robe. He has a long braid running down the back of his neck. I notice each one has a lightsaber attached to their belts...Jedi! My pace quickens as I head towards the two Jedi men.

"You must be the Jedi" I say, quite out of breath.
"I Master Qui-Gon Jinn, and this is my padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi."
The older man says. I shake both their hands.
"Captain Adelita Amidala"
The young one asks in shock. Both bow their heads to me. I roll my eyes. I hate it when this happens.
"Please, there's no need for that. I am more of a Captain than a princess."
I let out a little giggle. The younger one lets out a small smile.
"We don't have much time. The Viceroy have attacked and have got Queen Amidala. We need to save her and leave Naboo quickly."
Both Jedi look at each other. They show no emotion in the expression. Not even fear or worry. They just nod to one another.
"Very well. Please gather your army. We need a few more people than just the two of us."
Qui-Gon commanded.
"Already done sir. They're fighting the Trade Federation's army."
"Very organised Captain."
Qui-Gon says

The three of us head towards the fight. Army droids everywhere. I regroup with my army and use my blaster to destroy some of the enemy. I look over my soldier to see Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan take out their lightsabers and deflect every passing shot from the enemy's blasters. I look in amazement at their movements. I've never seen a Jedi in person, but wow they are incredible. Such artistry goes into their movements when in battle.

I continue fighting more of the enemies. Shooting at them, hardly missing any targets. Silence for a split second covers the palace. I put my gun in its holster and wait. Have we defeated the current enemy in the palace. When the silence carries on I look over to the two Jedi. They're talking to each other. I head over towards them.

"I think the wave is finished. We don't have much time getting the Queen safe on your ship"
I say as I join with the Jedis.
"We are heading towards the queen's hideout now and heading to the shop. It's ready to take off now so we need to leave before my of the Trade's army come back"
That's pretty much what I said, but whatever they're Jedi.
"The Queen requested that a few of her maids would accompany her. She feels more at ease with people she knows."
I quickly say before we are separated again.
"If that is what she requests, then we shall obey."
Master Qui-Gon nods.

I race down the many hallways of the palace to the maids headquarters. There I see al the maids and my sister.
"We're ready now. It is safe to head to the ship now"
I say to them all. My sister grabs my arm with fear.
"Are you sure?"
She asks.
"Yes. But we don't have long until the wave of enemy droids arrive. So we need to leave now. The Jedi have made their way to the Queen to get her and then we are taking off to head to Coruscant"
My sister just nods and lowers her head, making sure the hood of the maiden robe covers all her face.

I arrive to the Jedi's ship accompanied with the maids. I watch as each get on when I realise the Jedi aren't here yet.
What's taking them so long?
I wonder. I listen out for them when I hear the sound of blasters and lightsabers. The next wave have arrived.
I turn to my sister.
"Padmé ! Get everyone on the ship. I'm going to help the Jedi with the Queen. I won't be long. Get in the ship and close the door. Open it again when we're running down the platform, you hear me?"
Padmé nods and runs into the ship, commanding the rest of the maids to hurry.

I sprint towards the sound of battle. There I see the Queen hiding behind a pillar and the two Jedi fighting more of the army. I take my blaster out of its holster and start to shoot.
"Captain, we have this under control."
Obi-Wan says.
"Clearly you do"
I say with sarcasm as I shoot another enemy down.
"Please ignore my Padawan, Captain. He's still learning that even Jedi can have help from others."
"It's fine. I get it. People feel intimidated by me because I'm such a badass!"
I say as I continue shooting. Obi-Wan blushes and looks down.

When the last few remain, we head towards the Queen and escort her towards the ship.
"Both of you go! I can handle these last few. Get the Queen to safety"
I shout to the Jedi. They obey and start to run to the ship. Padmé opens the ramp so they can get on. I keep fighting the last few but it's still a lot to take on in my own. I begin to worry I won't make it to the ship. The Jedi's duty is to the Queen, not me. If I take too long they'll go without me.

I don't think I'm going to make it in time.

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