10. The Fight

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We arrive to the Palace in Naboo. Enemy droids fill the city, destroying the beauty of Naboo. They take control of the Palace and wait, guarding all entrances, waiting for our arrival. With us and the Gungan army, we now have many people to challenge the Trade Federation's army. Qui-Gon gives us our signal and the Gungan army charges towards the entrance of the Palace, blocking and dodging any enemy fire coming their way. This distraction creates an opening into the Palace with no guarding enemy droids. Me, Padmé and the two Jedi enter inside. Anakin was told to wait by the ship. It is too dangerous for such a young boy to fight an invasion like this one. He must be trained first. Me and Padmé separate from Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. They begin to fight enemy droids within the palace, whilst me and Padmé head to the Palace hangar. We reach the hangar and free captive Naboo pilots. 

"Go to your star fighters! Keep all enemy droids away from the Palace. You must stop any droids outside from getting into the Palace. Do you understand?" I order and ask the Naboo pilots. 

"Yes Captain!" They all say in unison. Each pilot disbands and heads to the star fighters, entering them and flying off into the streets of Naboo, destroying any enemy droids attempting to reach the Palace doors. Me and Padmé leave the hangar and run towards Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. I use my blaster to shoot any enemy droids inside, Padmé using one of my spare blasters to also shoot them down. I look out of one of the windows to see the fighting in the streets of Naboo. A huge droid-control ship heads towards the Palace, ready to shoot and destroy the Palace walls. 

"Quick Padmé! We don't have much time!" I shout to her. We race through the Palace halls until we get close to the throne room. We see both Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon fighting a few enemy droids before they reach the same unknown, cloaked figure. Me and Padmé continue fighting enemy droids, but we suddenly become surrounded by many droids. Where they came from I do not know. Me and Padmé stand with our backs to each other, trying to defeat the swarm of enemy droids. It was no use, there was too many of them. I take hold of my sister's hand and hold it tightly. 

"I love you sister!" I tell her, giving up any hope that we will both survive this. 

"I love you too!" She shouts back, with panic and worry in her voice. I close my eyes so I can't see the droids come closer and closer to us, blasters raised ready to shoot us. This is it, this is the end. I shall die for my planet, a risk I've always known when stepping into a fight. I lower my head and kneel down on the floor, surrendering myself and getting ready for the droids attack, but nothing happens. Instead the slashing of a lightsaber is heard and the crashing of fallen droids, breaking into little pieces. I open my eyes and look up to my saviour. Obi-Wan is fighting off and destroying an and all enemy droids. I watch him closely as he saves both me and my sister from being killed. After the last enemy droid has fallen, he looks over to me, relieved that I am uninjured. He holds out his hand and I take it. Pulling me up, Obi-Wan keeps holding my hand. 

"Don't ever give up like that again Addy!" He demands, using my nickname. "I can't have you die...I can't lose you!" He says. I nod to him, in shock with his words. I try to speak but I am speechless. I look over to Qui-Gon who looks over briefly for a few short moments and smiles, bowing his head to us. 

"Get back to Qui-Gon, Obi. He needs you know. We are safe, thank you!" I say. Obi-Wan squeezes my hand slightly and runs back over to where Qui-Gon is, who is fighting the unknown soldier. The soldier removes his dark cloak, revealing his face. His red and black, spiky face looks more demonising and evil with the red hue of his lightsaber. I look at him in terror. My dream! It's the same person from my dream, my nightmare. This all seems too familiar. I turn and face Padmé.

"I need to help them Pamdé! I need you to join with our army and find the Viceroy. He must be stopped from giving out anymore orders to his army. You'll be ok, I promise." I say to my sister, with a few tears in my eyes. 

"Why do I feel like this is Goodbye?" Padmé asks, tears starting to escape her eyes. 

"This is not goodbye. This is a see you later!" I say to, turning away and running over to where Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are. Obi-Wan is trapped between two of the security breached gates of red lasers. Qui-Gon is fighting the Sith Lord next to this big, deep hole in the ground. I recognise the room- the hole leads to a huge power-generating reactor core. Anyone who falls down there will not survive. I'm trying to reach Obi-Wan in time, when I see the enemy soldier- who I remember its name from my nightmare, Darth Maul- stab his lightsaber into the stomach of Qui-Gon. Master Qui-Gon falls to his knees and Obi-Wan screams in terror. The security lasers lift up and Obi-Wan jumps at Darth Maul, fighting him with anger over his fallen Master. I run to help Obi-Wan but the security gates close in front of me, stopping me from reaching Obi-Wan. I watch with fear as Obi-Wan and Darth Maul fight. A red and blue lightsaber crashing into each other, both opponents dodging and blocking any hits from the other's lightsaber. Obi-Wan leaps at Darth Maul. I think to myself, Obi-Wan has the higher ground, he surely has the win over Darth Maul.

But Darth Maul is prepared...

He deflects Obi-Wan's attack, pushing him away into the direction of the hole in the ground. And Obi-Wan falls, disappears out of my eyesight. 

"Nooooo!" I scream, falling to the ground, my knees crashing on the floor. Tears stream my eyes. My nightmare was true. I was too slow in reaching Obi-Wan. I should have saved him! I knew what was going to happen and I was too slow. I failed. 

I place my head on the ground, crying with loss and grief. He's gone, and I never got to tell him how I felt. I cry uncontrollably and look at Darth Maul, who has an evil grin on his smug little face. 

"YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!" I shout to Darth Maul. Getting my blaster ready in my hand, pointing it to his face. I wait and wait for the security lasers to open once again, having my finger on the trigger. The gate opens and I begin shooting at Darth Maul, he deflects my shots as I walk closer to him. He puts his spare hand out to me and lifts me off the ground, choking me with his powers. I grab my throat as if I am trying to take hands off of me. I am rising higher and higher from the ground, my body struggling even more to breathe. I look over to Qui-Gon who tries to use his Jedi powers to stop Darth Maul from killing me. I can't take much longer, my eyes becoming weaker and weaker to stay open. Qui-Gon's attempt fails and he passes out from the injuries Darth Maul inflicted on him. I look out to the palace, all enemy droids stop working, falling to ground motionless. We defeated the droids, but I was being defeated myself. This is it. This is now my end. 

All of a sudden, a figure flies out of the hole, his arm reaching for Qui-Gon's lightsaber. The lightsaber floats off the ground and meets with the hand of the survivor. I look to see Obi-Wan propel towards Darth Maul, opening the lightsaber and slashing it down the middle of Darth Maul. I am released and fall to the ground, coughing and spluttering, trying to catch my breath. I watch as Darth Maul's body splits in half. The two halves collapse, falling down the shaft Obi-Wan just risen from. He was dead. 

Obi-Wan runs over to me and pulls me into a hug. I am still holding my neck from the pain Darth Maul inflicted on my. He grabs my hair and holds me tightly. 

"You're alive!" is all I could get out. 

"You saved me Addy!" Obi-Wan sheds a tear that falls on my head. I look up to him and I place my hands on his face. "Go to Qui-Gon, he needs you."

Obi-Wan looks at me with fear in his eyes. He knows what is about to happen with Qui-Gon. He shakes his head, too scared to see his Master die. I mouth 'go' to him. He needs to be there for his Master before he dies, he would regret it otherwise for the rest of hid life. Obi-Wan stands up from where I was kneeling and walks over to Qui-Gon, putting his body in his arms. 

"Don't go Master, I still need you" Obi-Wan says as Qui-Gon's breathing becomes more shallow. 

"It is too late" Qui-Gon says weakly. 

"No!" Obi-Wan says, tears streaming down his face. 

"Promise me, Obi-Wan...promise me you will train the boy."

"Yes Master" Obi-Wan agrees, nodding his head at his Master for one last time. Qui-Gon takes his last breath, looking at his Padawan. 

"He...is the Chosen One. He...will bring balance...Train him"

And with that Qui-Gon was dead. 

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