Chapter Ten (Edited)

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Within seconds of the order, I was released and meeting Cayde's eyes, I knew this was everything we had practiced over the last month. He held so much emotion behind those hooded eyes, but the man just looked away from me the moment they men let me go. And without thinking of much else aside from my safety and telling Wolfe of what had happened, I ran. I didn't look back, nor did I stop running until I was within the safety of the food court.

I pulled out my phone, dialing one number. "Nova, little vixen, I'm in my meeting. Is everything okay? Are you both ready to come home? I can call a driver to get the both of you."

Taking a breath, it caught in my throat. "They took Cayde...he saved me..."

Wolfe's line was quiet for a moment before he spoke again. "What do you mean little one?"

His voice was rough and a welcome sound as I heard him move. My body was shaking, my free hand flying to rub at the goosebumps against my arm that held the phone. I knew the risks of this life and they had prepared me for what would inevitably come, but no one prepared me for the emotional turmoil it would take me through.

"Excuse me, I need to fully step out for a moment." I heard a door click shut and he was speaking to me. "What happened?"

"Cayde got kidnapped, please come get me." I choked out.

"Dammit!" Wolfe growled, a pounding echoed over the phone. Did he hit a wall? "You, tell those men my meeting is over, one of my soulmates just got kidnapped. You get my car ready. I want you to find me one of our own that's closest to that mall that can be to Nova within minutes. And you, get me on the phone with someone from that god forsaken mall." Order after order left his lips before he was speaking to me once more. "I need you to explain to me everything that happened? Can you do that for me, little one?"

I breathed through the shaky breath and if I wasn't so frightened I would have blushed at the new nickname, but I couldn't think past what had just happened. "Someone came up behind us while we were walking through the mall, they pushed us to a more desolate part of the mall and demanded to know who your soulmate was. They knew you were alive and they knew your soulmate was your weakness. Cayde managed to convince them that he was your one and only soulmate and that I was just someone he was cheating on you with. They almost took me and threatened to have their way with me but Cayde told them that it wouldn't affect you and that what really would, would be me coming home to you and telling you that I, the man he was cheating on you with, had watched him get kidnapped. They wanted to send a message, though I ran the moment they let me go and they didn't say anything other than they were taking Cayde."

"Fuck," Wolfe growled loosely. "I knew I should have pushed Cayde to let me send a guard with you. He convinced me that you would be fine so long as he was around. "Don't worry, baby, I've got someone that'll be there any minute now. I, on the other hand, will be there as fast as I can, I'm ten minutes out with how fast I'm about to speed to you."

"Be safe, but hurry." I breathed. "I'm scared."

"I know you are." He hushed me. "But I'm not getting off the phone with you until I know you're safe in my arms, do you hear me?"

I nodded though I knew he couldn't see me. "Okay.."

"Do you remember anything of what they looked like? Did they tell you who they were by any chance?"

"No, and I don't think I can describe them well. It all happened so fast. I just remember them demanding to know which one of us was yours and Cayde lying through his teeth." I breathed. "But if I saw them again I would definitely know. I'm sorry, I know I'm contradicting myself but I don't even know how I'd describe them. I'm sorry."

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