Chapter Six/Seven (Edited/Added to)

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So, I added a lot more here. I wanted to add another chapter but I really didn't want to fiddle with making sure it was between six and seven. I'll have to go in and fix the chapter numbers but I feel like I'll end up doing something like this to a few other chapters down the line.



In the end I never did let the two other men lay down their rules of our relationship, not at first that was. They had let me wander around the house, pick out my own room and settle in for the night but it wasn't until that following morning did they sit me down and talk with me.

"Look, Baby boy, I know you've got your own rules of how you want us to act with one another and how we're gonna make this relationship work, but we gotta talk about what we expect of you too." Cayde spoke, letting me sit down at the table before placing a coffee before me. "We're gonna try to work together but you need to realize that we're mafia and you'll have to learn a different way of living while we work on ourselves."

"What this idiot is trying to say is that mafia life is dangerous." Wolfe started with a heavy sigh. "It's why we never meet again after my family moved away. "

"My father worked for your father, didn't he?" I whispered looking down at my mug.

"He did, he was my father's advisor." Wolfe answered. "He was leaving a meeting with my father when he was killed. I can't tell you how sorry I am that you lost him, and I'm sorry I never came to find you after but like I said this job is dangerous. It comes with its own risks, and me faking my death was only part of it."

"So what risk will I be taking?" I whispered softly.

"We can't let it get out who you are to either of us." Cayde answered. "If we do, then you'll need full guard detail and the lot just to so much as step out the door. Being with us means the possible death threats, kidnapping, being held hostage, or either of us being hurt, missing or killed in the line of action."

"I don't like the thought of losing either of you." I answered looking up at them, Wolfe was leaning against the counter sipping at his coffee while Cayde sat next to me. "But I accept having to be put through all of it. I might have not realized it back then, but some part of my father, whether he realized it or not, was grooming me for this. As crushed as I was, I was prepared for his death and I managed to take care of myself. He taught me how to defend myself if anything were to happen, though last night shows I'm more of a runner than a fighter."

"At least you knew to call me." Cayde said.

I nodded. "And I know to call you both in any situation that I'm not comfortable with. I know that there will be late nights for both of you, that I will have to put my safety above the mundane things because I'm now tied to the mafia. I know there is a possibility of losing either one of you, it's why I'd like for you to get alone. I want you both to rely on one another so you both will come back to me and so that we can start a relationship I can put my all into. Tomorrow isn't promised and I'd like to spend as much of my time with my soulmates as possible."

"I guess you've got the general idea of what this life will be like." Wolfe spoke. "We'll go over more when there becomes a need to go over more. For now, let's talk about your schooling."

"Will I need to finish my last year through homeschooling?" I asked.

"No, not if you don't want to." He answered. "I have a few contacts and employees in the school, both teacher and student. You'd be completely protected, and if you'd like to continue going to school physically all I'd have to do is get a few more guns on the property as a just in case."

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