Chapter Three (Edited)

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"Nova?!" Cayde called out to me, voice edging with panic but I couldn't answer him. Not when the intruder was in my room, not when I was panicking and afraid of being caught. "Tap the phone once for yes and twice for no, alright?"

I tapped once.

"Good boy." He told me with a soft sigh. "Are you hidden right now?"

Another tap.

"Is the intruder close by?" He questioned only to get another tap in response. "Shit, alright. Do you have an idea of how many there are or if it's just one?"

I tapped twice this time, I mean sure I only saw one when I had caught the shadow but in all honesty that didn't mean there wasn't more than one person in my house right now. But at the thought I tried again to listen to whoever may have come up to my room. And though I strained my ears, I couldn't hear past Cayde barking orders on the other end of the phone.

"Where the fuck is Wolfe." He growled. "Get him on the phone and tell him to track my location if he wants to save our soulmate and you idiots follow me or I swear to god I'll put a bullet in your skull the moment I get back here."

There was a moment of silence followed by a car door shutting and squealing tires.

"Tell me you're still safe." Cayde pleaded into the phone. "I'm a few minutes away."

I tapped the phone once but tapped twice after, when I heard the handle of the bathroom jiggling. I didn't lock it but sometimes the door stuck and I would have to throw my body weight against the stupid door. It was also a reason I kept a screwdriver in my bathroom, all because I've gotten trapped in my bathroom more than once and had to have Sawyer save me. Though that was if I was lucky enough to bring my phone with me, the first time it happened I was trapped in the bathroom for three days.

"Fuck." He growled lowly as I lowered the volume of the call. "Step on it."

The door finally opened, and I just prayed the intruder didn't look behind the now open door. Though I was safe in my little cubby in the wall, it was just that. There was nothing that hid me aside from the open door covering the cubby hole. A foot step sounded against the tiled floor and then another before I saw the intruder's shoes come into view from the tiny crack the door left between laying against the wall.

"Take one more step and I'll blow your brains out." A low voice growled, stopping the intruder.

I watched as the intruder turned to face the person threatening him, a laugh in his voice. "Well, if it isn't my old friend. I thought you were dead, guess that was faked, huh?"

"Shut up." The other growled. "The hell are you doing in my soulmate's house?"

"What's happening?" Cayde's voice was loud even with the lowered volume.

"Nova, who are you on the phone with?" I was now able to register Wolfe's voice.

"C...Cayde" I whispered, not daring to move.

"Give me the phone." He told me and the next thing I knew was the bathroom door was being shut slightly. It revealed my soulmate with one hand reaching down to me and the other holding a gun to the intruder he had backed further into the bathroom. I just fixed the volume before handing him my phone, the man taking it without even so much as looking at me. "Don't yell at me, stupid, he's with me right now." Pause. "No the fuckers not dead, I rather not scare our soulmate like that."

"This is getting a bit ridiculous don't ya think Wolfe?" The intruder asked.

"Shut up." Wolfe growled before grunting into the phone. "Not you, jackass, we're in the attic."

Wolfe then hung up the phone, pushing it into his back pocket before bringing his hand to hold the gun a little more steady. It was then that I heard the creaking of my ladder again before it followed a voice.

"Where the hell is he?" Cayde's voice wasn't soft in the slightest as he pushed into the already tiny bathroom.

"Down there." Wolfe did a small head gesture before the door was closed to reveal my other soulmate who just pulled me from the cubby.

I hadn't had time to react before I was pulled out of the bathroom and pulled back toward my ladder, Cayde's voice was a bit hard as he spoke. "Get down there, I'll be right behind you."

I did as told, my feet landing on the floor below me and I swear I nearly yelped upon seeing a set of armed men in the hallway before me. My soulmate was just dropping down behind me, an arm coming to rest around my shoulders as he moved to stand beside me.

"Don't worry, they're ours." He told me in a low whisper. "A few of you follow me, the others go up with Wolfe."

And just like that, I was being guided back toward my kitchen just as I heard the loud bang of a gun going off. I just shivered knowing Wolfe had kept his promise on not killing the man before me, though that didn't stop me from picturing what had just happened.

"Are you okay?" Cayde asked softly as he sat me down at the island counter.

"I think so." I mumbled as I reached for the food I had set on the counter. "Can you get me a fork?"

He chuckled before searching the draws and handing me the item in question. He just watched me as I dug into my food, his body leaning against the counter across from me. "I guess you are okay with the fact that you're eating right now."

I just looked up at him. "I forgot to eat today."

He frowned. "Why?"

I looked down not wanting to meet his gaze. "I've been stuck on meeting both my soulmates."

His eyes softened and a heavy sigh left his lips. "Wanna hear a secret?"

Those words had me looking up with a cocked brow. "What kinda secret?"

He pulled the neck of his hoodie down showing me the faded soul mark. "That idiot and I are soulmates, too. He and I found out when he pushed me against the wall for touching you. The bad thing about it all is I'm okay with sharing you with him..."

"So all three of us are each other's soulmates..." I whispered trailing off. I thought it was weird to have two soulmates, but to have those soulmates being soulmates with each other as well...that was unheard of. Were we all a rare set of soulmates? "What do we do now?"

"Neither one of us wants to accept that we're each other's soulmate as well as yours. We just want you, though I think if given the option I could have feelings for-" Wolfe walked into the kitchen and Cayde cut himself off, eyes looking toward the other. "How the hell did you know what was going on and get here before me?"

"My father's had people watching his family since we had to move away." Wolfe answered. "But that's none of your concern, what I want to know is why he has your number?"

"He's my soulmate to jackass." Cayde grunted, pushing himself from the counter.

The two came toe to toe, both had their hands clenched into fists and I swear if I didn't step between them, then they'd start swinging at one another. It's why I set my fork down mid bite, and stepped between them, my hands brushing their chests as I held my arms out to stop them from moving closer to one another.

"You both are being dicks." I told them, and both men shot their heads in my direction.

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