Chapter Nine (Edited)

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I don't know what's been going on with Wolfe and Cayde, but they've been ignoring each other the last few weeks. It all started with them coming home from a late night job that wound them up in the bathroom tending to one another's wounds. They think I didn't know about the times they'd step away to 'clean' themselves up, that they were really stitching each other up. Though I never knew what happened behind those closed doors, I knew it somehow brought them closer.

Except this time I hadn't.

They hadn't been the same since and the only time I saw them interact with one another in the slightest was the nights I snuck out of bed for bathroom breaks. I would always come back to find that the two had just about merged together in my empty place. I usually crawled into whatever space was big enough beside them, before falling back asleep. But this had been getting ridiculous now, them not talking with one another and then the sad looks that Cayde would give Wolfe. I knew something was going on between them, but what and just what had happened between them last night when I hurt myself. Was it all because Cayde wasn't informed about me or was there really something more behind his anger and vulnerability?

Wolfe had just dropped Cayde and I off at the mall, his face brooding when he realized he had to go back to a meeting. At first I had been surprised that Cayde wasn't going with him but he had told Cayde that it was a mundane meeting and that if he wanted to cut the day short then he could spend his time with me. Wolfe had even offered to take us to the mall and be our personal chauffeur for the day, well aside from the meeting that may run a few hours, long enough for us to do some shopping.

"I'll be back in the next few hours." Wolfe promised the both of us. "Just shoot me a text if you both decide to go home early, alright?"

I nodded, kissing his cheek before grabbing up Cayde's hand and dragging him into the mall. I didn't know where I wanted to go first but I knew that I wanted to go there with my soulmate who happily obliged.

"CayCay?" I whispered, peeking up at him tentatively.

"What is it, little vixen?" He asked, eyes staring ahead as he now took the lead, walking us in whatever direction our feet would take us.

"Why aren't you and Wolfe talking?" I asked. "What happened between the two of you? Was it because of me?"

He stopped short, eyes blankly staring at nothing particular. He stood like that about two minutes before he shook his head, squeezing my hand that he held clasped with his. "It has nothing to do with you. More like how Wolfe didn't tell me anything about the drill he was doing with you and then you getting hurt. Forty five minutes, I didn't know anything had happened to you and a lot could have happened in that time frame if it were real and not a drill. It just really pissed me off to say the least, and I said some things I find myself regretting now but I don't think it mattered to him whether I said those things or not."

"What did you say?" I asked curiously, I was happy to finally be getting some kind of answer from him. I was curious as to why they were at odds with one another when it had seemed like they were doing a lot better with one another. But I could also tell that there was so much more than what Cayde was telling me, he was only scratching the surface.

"I brought up the fact that he doesn't want me as his soulmate." I wasn't expecting that answer. "I might have said the same thing a few weeks prior when he was stitching me up after one of our night jobs."


He shot me a bright smile, though I could see the pain and vulnerability behind it. So, this was the real reason everything had been off with them, Cayde didn't think Wolfe viewed him as a soulmate. And I would like to think he was wrong but, I myself, don't know.

"Don't worry about us, we'll figure it out in due time. I'm just happy we're sharing you without any jealousy. I love how it's not a pissing match any more just to show you the tiniest bit of affection."

"You need to stop hiding this side of you." I spoke honestly, as I unlaced our fingers only to wrap my arm around his and pull myself closer to him. "I can tell it's hurting you that you can't have him the way I do. And I want you to be able to talk to me when you get stuck in your head. I'm a safe space for both of you."

"My little vixen, I'm never going to tell you I'm jealous of you, if that's what you're wanting me to say. I'd rather kill myself than admit to you I'm jealous of what you have with Wolfe."

"I never said you had to." I answered back. "I just want you to admit that you're hurting rather than hiding it all the time. You may be this big scary mafia leader but I'm your soulmate. You should be able to open up to me."

He was about to open his mouth to speak when the next thing I knew, we were being surrounded and escorted to an empty part of the mall. Catching a glimpse of the time on one of the many clocks surrounding the mall, we had only been here half an hour at most. Was something going on? Did Wolfe call some men to come to our aid? Or for our protection? But that thought was driven away when I was pushed forward, someone grabbing onto me and holding me still.

My back was to my captor and I could see as Cayde was being held by two other men. Any one who ventured into this part of the mall, turned on their heels and walked away as they wanted no part of was about to go on here.

"Which one of you is Wolfe Brekker's soulmate?" My captor asked through a gruff voice, and I struggled to move against his hold. I wanted to get to Cayde, who was struggling with his captors as well, but he froze the moment Wolfe's name left my captor's lips.

"Why do you wanna know?" He growled.

"If you're talking does that mean you're him?" The man asked Cayde and I caught my soulmate's eyes. He gave the slightest shake of his head, it going unnoticed to those around us. "I am, if you have business with me then let my friend go."

"Why should we?" Asked the same man.

"Well, what do you plan on doing with us then?" Cayde growled out again. "I assume you're here to kidnap me which means I'm your main priority not him. And if that's the game you're playing here then it means you'll want or need someone as your witness to give warning to Wolfe."

"Are you really his soulmate?" One of the men holding Cayde asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, I am, we're both rough around the edges. And our personalities balance each other out when we get hotheaded, it's why we get along so well." Cayde answered. "Plus I was born and raised in this line of work, I know the risks. It was a matter of time, I'm just surprised it took so long."

"So you know the line of work and the two of you are similar in more ways than none." My captor spoke before laughing. "Is that why it looks like you're cheating on your soulmate with someone so much softer than him?"

"Yes," Cayde answered, his emotions locked away. He showed me nothing, didn't shoot me a reassuring glance or anything. Was this really the man that made me laugh on the daily? How was he so cold all of a sudden? "And it's all the more reason to let him go. Make the man I'm cheating on him with, tell him the truth of you fuckers kidnapping me."

He was doing this to protect me, I knew that much but I was beginning to realize that it also meant I was getting to go free and home to Wolfe.

My captor laughed again. "You're right, besides this scrawny thing can't be a mafia leader's soulmate. He's too dainty. Too soft which may be what Wolfe wants but I think the man would have ruined him by now. This little deer seemes like he's a good fuck, I see why you're with him. Maybe we should take him with us, just for us to try out."

"You could, but that wouldn't hurt Wolfe in the slightest. He wouldn't care what happened to him, he's probably be happy with the fact that I cheated on him."

My captor hummed, mouth moving to my ear. "Run little deer, run as fast as you can. And tell Wolfe Brekker we have his precious soulmate."

"Don't worry little vixen." The cold Cayde was gone, replaced with my caring soulmate. "You'll know what to do when I'm no longer around anymore."

I nodded as my captor let me go.

I took the opportunity...I ran.

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