★ 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 ★

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two months later

september 25, 2021.

that was what we decided our wedding date would be. it was in the fall, which we agreed was the prettiest season to get married in. we chose a beautiful cottage with a large back yard that had land that was just as beautiful in san diego for the venue. we would have the ceremony outside and the reception inside.

plus, the date itself made sense. it was just a few months after awsten and his band released greatest hits and it was a couple months before they left for the first leg of their tour. we decided we'd plan our honeymoon between the wedding and leaving for tour but we didn't really have to worry about that yet. we still had six months until the wedding.

but also, we only had six months until the wedding. it seemed like a lot of time but it really wasn't. i had to find a dress, a cosmetologist to do my hair, makeup, and nails, a chef for the food, we had to make invitations, and find someone ordained to marry us. it was a lot of stuff we had to do, not to mention the stress awsten would already be under trying to make things perfect for greatest hits.

safe to say our 2021 was going to be busy.

but, for now, all we had to focus on was our engagement party. well, our friends and family didn't know it was our engagement party. that was when we were going to tell them. all we told them was that we wanted to get everyone together for a nice dinner. this included our close family (which we flew in from houston and connecticut) and our close friends. they were all rather confused on why we were throwing a random get together but they'd understand once we announced our engagement.

we rented out an italian restaurant that awsten and i really liked. it was safe to say we were both really nervous as to how our loved ones would react to our engagement. well, i was nervous at least. i couldn't really tell if awsten was.

"are you nervous?" i asked awsten, as i curled my hair. we were getting ready for the dinner. he shook his head as he smoothed his dress shirt.

"not really. our friends and family love us, why would we have to worry about their reaction to our engagement? i think they'll be really happy for us." my fiancé replied. i looked at the beautiful diamond ring on my left ring finger and nodded.

"yeah, it's just we've only been together for a little bit over a year. i feel like they might judge that." i said.

"but, everyone knows we've known each other for much, much longer. and, they also all know it wasn't our first time around dating. we just got split apart for a bit of time but we eventually found our way back to each other. that's true love right there, they have no reason to judge."

awsten made complete sense, so i started to feel much calmer. i finished my hair and unplugged my curler, grabbing my mascara to touch up my makeup as if i didn't just do it. i smoothed my dress and turned to awsten, who was marveling at me. it made me blush.

"you look gorgeous, jellybean." he complimented me. i smiled and kissed his cheek, my new stain-proof lipstick doing its job and not marking his cheek.

"thank you, aws. look, my lipstick didn't even leave a stain. imagine that." i replied. he looked in the mirror and smiled.

"it's a miracle, really."

we both laughed and exited the bathroom, shutting the light off behind us. we walked to the front door and went to get our shoes on, me grabbing my favorite pair of vans.

"you know, i should probably get used to wearing heels. it's not like i can get away with walking down the aisle in vans on our wedding day." i stated. awsten chuckled.

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