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"No! Please!" Merlin cried "Arthur you know I would never intentionally harm you or Camelot! The Great dragon has told me I am destined to help you become the once and future king of Albion!"
"Save your stories Merlin. If you want to save me, STAY AWAY. NO ONE NEEDS your puny magic to come along and thwart my life. I don't have time for filthy traitors as you evil warlocks and sorcerers!
I hereby banish you from Camelot, if you shall ever return, you will be punished by death  on penalty." Merlin. My own servant, I considered a friend, now a traitor.
Something happened to Merlin.
"You-you Don't mean that Arthur, after everything I've done for you. I would throw my self in front of any dagger headed towards you!"
Lies. Merlin was crying now, his cheeks stained with fresh new tears rolling down them, and I felt as though I had killed my own mother, nothing but guilt, anguish, & pity.
"Please, please Arthur! Pleaase?" Merlin was tugging my jacket corner whimpering, "if I wanted to harm anyone I could have done it when I first arrived." He muttered a small spell, and a familiar blue orb formed above me. It was him, even on his death bed with the Mortæus Flower! But he has magic! Evil.
"Leave. Me, you are no longer welcome here, you are to leave directly, without informing anyone. Now GO!!"
"But I have no other home."
He looked into my eyes sadly, like a kicked puppy-I must stand my grounds.
He grabbed his coat and left my chamber, leaving me standing alone.
It has been 2 days without Merlin and I am failing miserably. No servant.
Just hours of regret and guilt and sympathy every day all day until night. I should get a new servant.
🌀2 servants later 🌀🐴
I guess I will just set off and hope for Merlin to be found, I am sorry, for come to think of it; everything fitted into place, his rescues. Things only work and feel right when Merlin is with me & by my side. I must find that boy....
I soon came to a very small clearing of the darkling woods, so I dismounted and tied my steed.
I saw a brown lump upon a log and strode towards it. Pleasepleaseplease....
I roll his body over to see a very pale face, smiling but completely still, and his georgeous once dark blue eyes were staring straight ahead, dully with no colour, and they were very glazed with tears.
He looked like a crazed man.
Basically unconscious with his eyes open and shaking like he was having a fit, I shook him.
No response.
The visible parts of Merlin's clothes were covered in red stains where the cuff of his sleeves were. Next to where his hand was, I noticed a blood stained dagger, the one I had given to him with his horse on his 1st birthday here in Camelot. I feel bad, I just wish I could kiss him.
Make everything okay. But he doesn't feel the same. And it won't make things better.
Merlin isn't evil, never was and never will be.
Sheez, this clearing looks unnatural- perhaps he caused this. There are basically no trees.
I hold his shocked shaking body to my chest. "I'm sorry Merlin. I'm. So. Sorry."
He may not even make it back. I hoist him up onto my horse, so he's in front of me... he's so light! I can see his ribs thinly, and many scars covering his torso.
Scars....Merlin really does care...just how much has he sacrificed for me?!
.......If this is my only chance I must seize this opportunity.
I hold Merlin's closer and turn him sideways slightly, his eyes are closed "Merlin. Merlin please wake up, I'm sorry." I shake his body slightly. "I really like you Merlin."
The warlock's eyes flitter open, and seeing mine, cover with fear and he starts snapping short breaths, panicking, tearing up.
He is not smiling at all.
" I don't remember coming back to Camelot! I don't want to die! Some one must ha-Please don't kill me Sire!"
I rest my left hand on his cheek and look around to make sure I don't drive my horse into something. Merlins breath hitches and he tries to struggle out of my grasp. I don't hold him back, fear of breaking him, so I nurse the boy to my chest tightly and half awkwardly flip him to face me as he relaxes as my arms a little bit. I hug him close, but still not sure he doesn't untense himself completely.
His body is peeled away from mine slightly. I lean inwards a bit.
"Sire, Arthur...please don't kill me."
"Look around Merlin, does it look like you were anywhere near Camelot?
And what reason would I have to kill you? Are you worth it? Would I come this far to kill you? And did you clear this space? There are hardly any trees for meters around us." I look around curiously, trying to look calm so Merlin is less nervy.
His eyes are sad.
"I hope I am worth being killed, at least then I wouldn't mean nothing. And yes, I cleared the space, apparently if someone born of magic cries over a loss strong enough, it will terminate every thing in its path..."
"Would I do this if I were to come this far to kill you and not care for you?"
"Arthur. Wha-"
I silence Merlin by pressing the back of his head towards mine, his eyes flashed, alarmed in my face. He melts into my arms just as our lips meet, there is a burst in my stoma- what. Have. I. Done?! I am/have just kissed a man/formermanservant who is a warlock! I have just broken the law! And my subconscious crush must surely despise me now..
His deep dark lapis eyes close a moment and then reopen staring into mine intensively.
I am running out of air, and just as I am about to inhales do break off, Merlin's eyes flash gold and blue and my lungs fill with air.
Merlin would have given me the kiss of death if he wanted to use magic wrongly (TRUST ME IT IS A WORD). I finally took my mouth off his, hardly needing a breath.
Merlin draws me back, though this kiss is quite different...more slow, honest-yet passionate.
Even if Merlin wasn't a warlock, I will always have that natural magic feeling when near him. The true beauty which he projects to those around him.
And there is nothing that would make me change my mind for that. Nothing in the world.

At this time there was no place I'd rather be. I. Love. Merlin.
I said it.
With My Merlin.
I his king and he my LionHeart.

And the moral of that story kids was never underestimate the power of a kiss yaaaay
We all hate these notes but this is quick. Sumthang different hey?😜😘
Typed on my 6yo phone, please comment for a flaw coz I'll fix it.
~Áine (onya)

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