𝖝𝖑𝖛𝖎𝖎𝖎. Rise and Rise Alone

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𝖝𝖑𝖛𝖎𝖎𝖎. Rise and Rise Alone

ONLY WHEN THEY ENTER the burned-out husk of the Rosen tavern does the man speak again, introducing himself as they take seats around a charred table. His name is shockingly simple. Kol. And his presence is the most unsettling thing Maeve has ever felt. Every time he looks at her, with that strange stare of his, she gets the sense that he can see right through her skin, to the twisted thing she used to call a heart. But she keeps her thoughts to herself, if only to allow Cyrus more room to air her grievances. She alternates between grumbling and shouting, arguing that they can't trust this strange man who appeared out of the ash. Once or twice, Cassian has to calm her down, putting his hands on her arms to still her. Kol sits through it all with a tight smile, staring down his oppositions, only speaking when she finally shuts her mouth.

"The four of you are well known to me, so there's no need for introductions," he says, holding up a hand in Cassian's direction. Maeve's brother makes a strangled kind of noise, drawing back a little. "I found you because I knew where you would be. It was nothing to coordinate my journey with yours," Kol adds, turning his gaze on Matt. His face whitens in a flush, but Kol doesn't bother to watch. Instead, he looks to Maeve. He'll be a good addition, she thinks, albeit a creepy one. "I have no intention of joining you at the Notch, Miss Deuveux."

Then, it's her turn to swallow her tongue. Before she can recover enough to ask, he answers for her again, and goosebumps rise across her skin. "No, I cannot read your thoughts, but I do see what is to come. For instance, what you say next. I figure I'd save us some time."

"Efficient," Cyrus grinds out. She's the only one of them not transfixed by this man. "Why don't you just tell us what you came to say and be done with it? Better yet, just tell us what's going to happen."

"Your instincts serve you well, Kaira," he replies. "Your friends, the shifter and the flyer, will return soon. They met resistance at the Pitarus Security Center, and will need medical attention. Nothing Kaira cannot accomplish on your jet."

Cassian moves to stand from his chair, but Kol waves him back down. "Easy, you have some time left. The king has no intention to pursue."

"Why not?" Cyrus raises an eyebrow.

Kol's gaze meets Maeve, waiting for her to answer. "Maxwell can fly, something no known Silver can do. Chris won't want anyone to see that, even his sworn soldiers." Matt nods next to her, knowing his brother as much ━ or as little ━ as she does. "He told the kingdom newbloods didn't exist, and he intends to keep it that way."

"One of his many mistakes," Kol muses, his voice dreamy and faraway. He probably is, looking into a future none of them can comprehend. "But you'll find that out soon enough."

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