𝖛𝖎𝖎. No Longer Maeve Deuveux

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𝖛𝖎𝖎. No Longer Maeve Deuveux

SHE'S ON THE PORCH, watching as her mother says goodbye to her brother, Greyson. Elise sobs, large tears rolling down her cheeks as she holds on to him tightly, smoothing his freshly cut hair. Cassian and Archer wait to catch her if her legs fail. Maeve knows they want to cry too, watching their oldest brother go, but for their mom's sake, they don't. Next to Maeve, her dad says nothing, content to stare at the legionnaire. Even in his armor of steel plate and bulletproof fabric, the soldier looks small next to her brother. Greyson could beat him to a pulp, but he doesn't. He doesn't do anything at all when the legionnaire grabs his arm, pulling him away from his family. A shadow follows, haunting after him. The world spins around her, and then she's falling.

She lands a year later, her feet stuck in the squelching mud beneath her house. Now her mother holds on to Archer, begging with the legionnaire. Cassian has to pull her off. Somewhere, Emira cries for her favorite brother. Their father and Maeve keep silent, saving their tears. The shadow returns, this time swirling around her, blotting out the sky and the sun. She squeezes her eyes shut, hoping it will leave her alone.

When she opens them again, she's in Cassian's arms, hugging him as tightly as she can. He hasn't cut his hair yet, and his chin-length brown curls tickle the top of her head. As she presses herself to his chest, she winces. Her ear stings sharply, and she pulls back, seeing drops of red blood on her brother's shirt. Emira and her had pierced their ears again, with the tiny gifts Cassian left them. She supposes she did it wrong, as she does everything wrong. This time, she feels the shadow before she sees it. And it feels angry.

It drags her through a parade of memories, all raw wounds still healing. Some of them are even dreams. No, they're nightmares. Her worst nightmares.

A new world materializes around her, forming a shadowed landscape of smoke and ash. The Choke. Maeve has never been there, but she's heard enough to imagine it. The land is flat, packed with craters from a thousand falling bombs. Soldiers in stained red uniforms cower in each of them, like blood filling a wound. Maeve floats through them all, searching the faces, looking for the brothers she lost to smoke and shrapnel.

Greyson appears first, wrestling with a blue-clad Lakelander in a puddle of mud. She wants to help him, but she keeps floating until he's out of sight. Archer comes next, bending over a wounded soldier, trying to keep him from bleeding to death. His gentle features, so like Emira's, are twisted in agony. Maeve will never forget the screams of pain and frustration. As with Greyson, she can't help him.

Cassian waits at the front of the line, beyond even the bravest of warriors. He stands on the top of a ridge without regard for the bombs or the guns or the Lakelander army waiting on the other side. He even has the gall to smile at Maeve. She can only watch when the ground beneath his feet explodes, destroying him in a plume of fire and ash.

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