𝖝𝖎𝖎. Alive and Dead

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𝖝𝖎𝖎. Alive and Dead

SECURITY PATROLS THE HALLWAY in roving pairs, but with Chris on Maeve's arm, they don't stop her. Even though it's night, long past when she should be in bed, no one utters a word. No one crosses a prince. Where he's leading now, she's not sure, but he promised to get her there. Home.

He's quiet but determined, fighting a small smile. Maeve can't help but beam at him. Maybe he isn't so bad. But he stops long before she assumes he should ━ they never even leave the residence floors.

"Here we are," he says, and raps on the door.

It swings open after a moment, revealing Matt. His appearance takes Maeve back a step. His chest is bare, while the rest of his strange armor hangs off him. Metal plates woven into fabric, some of it dented. She doesn't miss the purple bruise right above his heart, nor the dark circles surrounding his usually lively eyes. It's the first time she's seen him in over a week, and, clearly, she's caught him at a bad moment. He doesn't notice her at first; he's focused on removing more of his armor, which is tangled in all different places.

"Got the board set, Chris ━ " he begins, but stops when he looks up to see the brunette standing with his brother. "Maeve, how can I, uh, what can I do for you?" He stumbles over his words, at a loss for once.

"I'm not exactly sure," she replies, looking from him to Chris. The boy she's meant to marry only smirks, raising an eyebrow slightly.

"For being the good son, my brother has his own discretions," he says, and his air is surprisingly playful. Even Matt grins a bit, rolling his eyes. "You wanted to go home, Maeve, and I've found you someone who's been there before."

After a second of confusion, she realizes what Chris is getting at, and how stupid she was for not recognizing it before.

"Chris," Matt says through gritted teeth, his grin gone. "You know she can't. It's not a good idea ━ "

It's Maeve's turn to speak up, to take what she wants. "Liar."

He moves his gaze to her, his eyes burning, his stare going right through her. She hopes he can see her determination, her desperation, her need.

"We've taken everything from her, Matt," Chris murmurs. "Surely we can give her this?"

And then slowly, reluctantly, Matt nods and waves her into his room. Dizzy with excitement, she hurries inside, almost hopping from foot to foot.

Chris lingers at the door, his smile fading a little when Maeve leaves his side. She turns back to him after a moment, though. "You're not coming," she says, understanding the look on his face. It isn't a question.

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