Chapter 7

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    Sammy had been interrupted too many times that day, and was beginning to get behind on his work. So when Jack and Wally came bursting into his office like the studio was on fire, he snapped. "SAMMY, SAMMY! WEWENTINTOJOEYSOFFI-" Wally began shouting, but the blonde musician shoved him into Jack to shut him up.
    "Fuck off! I'm trying to do my work and I've had enough interruptions today already!" Sammy growled, glaring at them in aggravation. He saw neither was smiling, but both looking quite terrified and his angers look dropped. "Wait what happened? Wally's not smiling and that means something's seriously wrong." He was now concerned.
    "Sammy...I think we found Henry." Jack said slowly, stepping out from behind Wally to talk to the snappy musician.
    "What do you mean found him? I thought he was sick?" The musician asked, tilting his head to the side. Jack and Wally shook their heads with the same terrified expression on their faces.
    "Why don't we go get Norman and we can tell you what happened?" Jack suggested. Sammy shrugged and followed the two up to Norman's booth. The projectionist gave a confused look at the group of three trooping into his booth durning work time, especially since Sammy was one of them.
    "Norman, these two said something happened to Henry. They didn't tell me what yet though, because they also wanted you to know too." Sammy clarified. Norman turned to the two, waiting for whatever they had to say.
    "Okay so...Wally and I went into Joey's office to see him but he wasn't there. Then we heard Henry. His voice sounded kind of distant but not further away? I don't know how to explain it. He was saying something about Joey needing to let him go, and that his disappeared would be questioned. Before we could investigate any further we heard Joey coming back down to his office." Jack explained.
    The room was silent for a few minutes. "'re just joking around, right?" Norman asked slowly, raising an eyebrow. Wally grabbed him aggressively by the shoulders and stared at him.
    "Does it look like we're jokin'? I'm seriously scared of what the hell just happened, and I need to figure out what Joey did to Henry!" Wally half shouted, looking slightly deranged. Norman gently pushed him away, looking more concerned than before. He shared a look with Sammy, both unsure how to respond.
    "We need to find a way back into Joey's office. We need to find out where Henry is, and what happened to him." Jack said. The other three slowly nodded in agreement. "All we need is a distraction. Someone who can command the attention of a whole building for at least a small while. Maybe even multiple people." Jack added. The nodding slowed and everyone turned to face Wally.


    Henry sighed and turned back to the door. Joey was, as usual, ignoring him completely. As he stepped back into the toons' home, Bendy turned to look at him. The other two had gone out. "Any luck Hen?" The demon asked, bounding over.
    "Of course not. I think I heard someone running after I spoke but no answer." Henry sighed, flopping onto the couch in a depressed heap. He just wanted to go back home. He missed his apartment and being taller. He missed colour and his friends. He missed being a human and not having horns, a halo, wings, and a tail getting constantly in the way as he attempted to do daily activities like walking.
    "Ah. Didn't think so. That's too bad then. If it makes ya feel any better," Bendy started, crawling onto the couch beside the animator. "I really like havin' ya here. It's real nice not to have to talk to ya through a sheet of paper." He offered a smile to the man.
    Henry gave a small smile back, patting the demon in between his horns. "Thanks bud. I think that's the one good thing that came out of all this mess. Getting to actually spend time around you. I wish I wasn't so stressed so I had the ability to enjoy the time here though." He said, frowning and lying down to stare at the ceiling. He felt the demon scramble over and sit on his chest. Pie-cut eyes stared down at him.
    "That's alright Hen. I'm sure your friends back in the studio are gettin' worried by now, they help ya." Bendy gave a sad smile. Henry narrowed his eyes at the demon.
    "Well what's wrong with you now? You look sad." The animator stated. Bendy hesitated a but before answering.
    "Well...I really want ya ta get ta go home, but...I don't wanna be separated from ya again. It get's so borin' so quick here, but just by bein' around you everyhtin' is better." The demon admitted, looking away as he spoke. Henry stared at him for a moment before sitting up and wrapping his arms around Bendy's torso.
    "If I do get out, maybe I can take you with me. I agree with you, I don't want to leave you here either." Henry smiled at the now blushing demon, who grinned back.
    "Thanks Hen. I'd really like to see your world. It sounds so big and neat!"
    "It is. I think you'd love it."
    The two chatted for a small while before falling asleep, Bendy happily cuddled in Henry's arms.

I just spewed out two chapters in three hours- sorry for not updating basically anything in so long. So have this :]

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2022 ⏰

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