Chapter 1

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Henry was what you might call a lonesome young man. He worked at Joey Drew studios and animated little toon characters that he created, his favourite being Bendy.
He loved every doodle he made of the little demon, and couldn't get enough of drawing him, even though it was his job. He loved animating and designing characters.
      With new years going past and the outside world becoming more acceptant of every kind of person, for example the LGBTQ+ community, Joey decided they had to make a cartoon about celebrating the difference of people.
He wanted to make Bendy and Alice a couple because they were technically opposites, Angel and Demon. Henry though it was dumb because it didn't go with any of the supportive things Joey mentioned.
      A while ago Joey had discovered black magic and had accidentally corrupted a bottle of ink. He wasn't fully aware of what he'd done until Henry had drawn with the ink and accidentally caused Bendy to be alive, but still on the paper.
But the paper was now a mirror to a place Bendy liked to call toon town where all of Henry's creations and animations lived.
Henry collected the corrupted ink unbeknownst to him, and drew Bendy on a sheet of yellowed paper. He came to life, startling the animator.
"Hiya pal! What's yer name?" Bendy had first said, waving to Henry before holding out a hand as as if to give him a handshake.
Henry stared in bewilderment. Joey happened to walk in at that moment. "Henry, the new is voice actor here, do you have time to give her a tour or shou-" Joey cut himself off as his eyes laid on Bendy and the jar of ink he knew was corrupted.
Henry held up his hands as if Joey were pointing a gun at him. "I'd say I can explain, but even I have no idea whats going on." Henry said.
"Doesn't matter. Where'd you get that ink jar?" Joey demanded. Henry raised a suspicious eyebrow at him.
"I needed ink and found it in a nearby closet, why? Do you know why it just created life on paper?" Henry demanded.
"Nah, nah, ya got it wrong there! Ya see, you drawin me created a mirror ta the toon world, or as I like ya call it, toon town. It's where all cartoons live in separate neighbourhoods depending on what cartoon they're from." Bendy explained.
"Woah." Henry whispered. He leaned down closer to Bendy. "Is that really true? That's so cool!" Henry said excitedly. Bendy grinned up at him.
"What's yer name? I'm Bendy." The demon introduced. Joey let out a scoff.
"We know who you are, Henry created you for gods sake." Joey said, arms crossed and an annoyed look on his face.
"Well Bendy didn't know that Joey, so doesn't mean you get to be an ass to him." Henry growled. Joey rolled his eyes.
It was this little scene right here that caused Bendy to make his opinions of Joey and Henry. He knew Joey was rotten right then, and Henry was kind hearted and willing to protect him from Joeys harmful words.
"Hey Henry, could I ask ya a small favour?" Bendy asked from his paper on Henry's desk. The animator turned to the little demon, expression softening and his mouth curving up into a warm smile.
"Of course you can, fire away." He said to the tiny demon.
"Well, could ya maybe draw a big door so that I can go back ta my home with Alice and Boris, and also ya could knock on it anytime and one of us can open it and talk t'ya if ya ever Y'know, feel lonely or whatever." Bendy said the last part quieter, looking down at his shoes.
"Sure thing bud, how big were you thinking?" Henry asked. Joey let out a huff and turned on his heel, leaving.
Henry glanced back and waited for the door to shut. "God I hate him." He muttered, but Bendy heard.
"Yeah, I've only known him for a few minutes an I already get why ya hate him. Also the door can be big enough so Boris can get through, so almost as tall as the paper." Bendy said.
"But then you couldn't reach the handle Bendy, you'd be too short." Henry teased, putting the handle far above his head.
Bendy gave Henry a playful glare. "What if you put another handle so I can reach too?" He said. Henry chuckled and added the handle.
"Thank ya Henry! Alice'n Boris'll have ta meet ya sometime soon." Bendy grinned.
"Just visit me anytime you'd like, oh, but if it's nighttime then I won't be here." Henry said.
"Alrighty! An if ya ever need us, just knock." Bendy gave Henry a warm smile before leaving through his door.
Henry smiled to himself and pinned the magic photo up onto his wall behind his desk so he could easily talk to them whenever. He couldn't put his finger on it, but something about the demon made him feel much less lonely. It made his insides warm and his smile never fade, basically the opposite of how Joey made him feel. Henry went back to work, drawing each frame for a new animation he was working on.
    He couldn't believe that all cartoons were alive, and he just created a doorway to their world. Henry sighed contentedly to himself and muttered, "I can't believe he's actually real."
    "You can't believe who's real?" Someone asked who'd just walked into Henry's office. The animator turned around and spotted Sammy giving him a curious look, eyebrow raised and arms crossed.
    "Ah, nothing. What brings you here, Sammy?" Henry quickly changed the subject, lacing his hands together in his lap and looking at the musician.
    "I need to see the next animation." Sammy responded, still looking at Henry weirdly. The animator led the way out of his office to show him the new animation. As the two watched it, neither of them noticed Joey sneak past and into Henry's office. He rummaged around the animator's messy desk for a few minutes before finding what he was looking for; the bottle of cursed ink.

A little Black Magic. (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now