Chapter 5

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Shawn's pov:
Grant and I watched as Wally stormed out of the room. "Y'know, he's got a point. Plus, doncha think it's weird that Henry was supposedly sick within a few minutes?" I pointed out.
"I guess you're right." Grant sighed. "But what does that mean actually happened to him?" He asked, looking down at me.
"Let's catch up to Wally, we've gotta get everyone's opinions on this so we should tell everyone we're having a quick meeting after work before we leave." I said, standing up and dashing after the janitor.
Grant quickly followed behind and soon we saw him locking his mop back into his closet. "Wally! We were thinkin and maybe we should gather everyone up for a meeting to figure this all out, what do you think?" I asked.
"I think that's a good idea, because somethin ain't right." Wally said as he hooked his keys onto his belt. We went and told all the others about the meeting after work. I really hope we can find out what happened to Henry.


Bendy's pov:
I lead Henry out the door of our home and towards the street of the little toon town he created with his imagination. As we walked along we passed other people, like side characters in the show, and different buildings.
Henry gazed around him in awe, and he seemingly forgot that he was trapped. Toons stared at Henry as they passed, and as soon as the animator was aware of it, he started visibly getting uncomfortable.
Eventually when we passed the butcher gang, they actually decided to talk with us. "Who's this new feller?" Barley demanded, studying Henry.
"This is Henry." I introduced. "Henry, ya already know but Barley, Charlie, and Edgar." I pointed to each of the three as I spoke.
"Uh...hi." Henry said in almost a mutter. It was kinda cute how shy he could get, and also how he awkwardly stood with his arms glued to his sides and his legs stuck together like he was in the army.
I shook my head to ignore the thoughts and focused on reality. "He's a quiet one." Charlie observed, giving Henry a judgemental glare.
"I think he looks real nice." Edgar chimed in, smiling how he always does. I swear he's the only nice one of those three.
"Why did the creator guy make a character named after himself?" Barley demanded, hands on his hips. Why does this guy have to ask questions that I don't want to answer?
"Ugh, because he is Henry, he is the creator." I rolled my eyes at him. Henry looked at me in slight panic.
"Is it a good idea to tell them that, Bendy?" Henry said. I simply shrugged, not caring what they thought.
     "How the hell did he get inta toon town?" Charlie asked, stuffing his hand in his pockets as we walked.
     "I dunno, I think the boss man did somethin." I said, hand on my chin in thought.
     "He used black magic." Henry filled in, answering the Butcher Gang's questions. "And don't ask why he put me in here because I have no clue at all." The animator added.
     Our town was quite small so we were already done looking around. "Hey, if this town exists, wouldn't other cartoons from other shows exist too?" Henry asked.
     "Oh for sure, but we don't have the ability to go over ta their towns unless our two shows did a crossover." I explained.
     "Ah, that makes sense I guess." Henry responded, trying not to make eye contact with the other toons staring him down. They were so nosey.
"Hey, ya should stop worryin 'bout Joey an all that, I'm sure your coworkers will figure it out eventually." I said, trying to comfort him. Henry gave me a lopsided smile.
"Thanks." He said, staring off into the distance. I forced the thoughts buzzing in my head to a stop as I reached out and grabbed Henry's hand, pulling him toward the direction of the house.
"We can play a board game, or go find Alice at her show, or uh...well, there really isn't a whole lot to do here I guess." I shrugged.
"Ooh! What about ice cream?! Ya like ice cream, right?" I asked, looking hopefully at Henry. If he didn't, I would commit a crime. Who doesn't like ice cream?!
"You'd have to be insane to hate ice cream." Henry chuckled. I grinned and started pulling him towards the one café in town. Henry got vanilla while I got chocolate.
We walked around together and stared at the blockade of ocean surrounding us. "If any toon tried to sail past where they were allowed before even being in sight of another toon town, the ocean would swallow them up and spit 'em back on the doc." I explained.
"That's kinda cool how this town works." Henry said, staring out to sea. I felt a sudden hand patting me on my horns. "Thanks for showing me around bud." Henry smiled down at me.
I felt my face heat up and grinned back. Henry was so amazing, and I was beyond overjoyed to get to spend some real time with him, not through a paper. Part of me felt guilty for wishing he could stay forever, because he obviously didn't want that. Well to be fair, his world did sound a lot more interesting compared to mine. I wish I could go to his world, that way everyone would be happy. But for now, he's stuck here in toon town and there isn't a thing anybody can do about it.

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