Chapter 2

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For almost three months Bendy and Henry had been getting to know each other, half the time Alice and Boris would come visit as well.
Henry wished more and more each day that the toons could live amongst humans in his dimension. Bendy had agreed with this and also wished he could come to earth, he thought by the things Henry told him that it sounded much more incredible than toon town.
"Hey Hen, why d'your hair and eyes look like that?" Bendy said one day, sitting at the bottom of the paper in front of the door, cross-legged and staring over at Henry curiously.
"What do you mean?" Henry asked in confusion, touching a hand to his hair. Bendy giggled at him.
"Nothin, I meant the colour. Why isn't it black or white?" Bendy asked.
"Oh." Henry said, hands returning to his desk. "Well, my world has colours like red and green, among many many others." He explained.
Bendy's eyes widened. "Really? Everythin in toon town s'all black and white." The little demon sighed. "What do red and green look like?" He asked.
Henry thought where he could find those colours so easily in the sepiatoned studio. An idea came to mind. "Oh, I know another worker in the studio who always wears a red flannel shirt and a green clover pin, but I'm not sure how he'd take knowing toons we're real." Henry said.
"Well, ya seemed ta take it jus fine." Bendy said, really wanting to see new colours. Henry smiled at the demons over-excited aura.
"Alright, I'll go get him wait here." Henry said, standing up from his desk and leaving the room. He found Shawn wasn't in the toy department like he was supposed to be, and instantly knew where next to check.
Henry knocked against the accountant's office, sticking his hands into his pockets as he waited. Grant answered, poking his head out the door. "Hello Henry, do you need something?" He asked.
"Is Shawn in there?" Henry asked. Grant opened the door wider to reveal Shawn was sitting in a chair that was set beside Grant's.
"He won't let me get any work done." Grant said, loud enough that Shawn could clearly hear him. The toy maker gave him a small playful glare.
"Right, I actually have something I need to show all the workers, so could you guys meet me in the break room?" Henry asked.
The two boys nodded, and followed him out of the room. He was only going to let Shawn see, but decided he might as well show everyone.
Henry gathered all the workers up and came back to his office to grab Bendy's paper with the door on it. He walked into the room to find Joey was there arguing with all three toons.
"Hey guys, Joey, what's going on?" Henry asked, standing beside his boss and looking curiously over at the toons.
"Henry don't let him do it!" Alice shouted, visibly on the verge of tears. Bendy looked the same, but was trying harder to hide his emotions.
Boris whined, looking pleadingly up at Henry. "Don't let him do what?" Henry glared at Joey, ready to hurt him if he was hurting the toons.
"I-" Joey opened his mouth to speak, but Henry grabbed a piece of paper from his desktop and shoved it in his mouth.
"I wasn't asking you." Henry growled. Joey spat the paper out onto the floor and his face turned red in anger. The animator ignored it and faced the toons, listening.
"So, basically anythin ya make an animation turns real in toon town, or as ya might call it, Canon." Bendy started to explain. "But Joey here wants to make me an Alice a couple, but we are both very against the idea." Bendy huffed, Alice nodding in agreement.
"Boris and Alice already love each other, plus just because it's canon and we are forced to be together, don't mean our feelins will change!" Bendy shouted, glaring hatefully at Joey.
Henry sighed. "Joey, I already told you multiple times before, they aren't supposed to be and never were supposed to be together anyways." Henry said, looking over at Joey angrily.
     "Your idea doesn't support any nowadays problems as well as the fact that now we know they're alive we can't do that to them." Henry added.
     Joey looked over at the four of them until a sudden terrible idea came to his mind. He turned towards the door to hide his crooked grin.
     "Fine, we won't. But if it's nowadays issues you want, then Henry you can meet me in my office the minute work ends to discuss it." Joey said, turning for a moment to glance at them before leaving.
     Henry felt an unsettled feeling twisting in his gut at the look Joey gave him before leaving. "Why was that lunatic smiling?" Bendy asked, tilting his head.
     "I don't know, but I'm certain something bad is going to happen." Henry said, sitting back down at his desk, worried.
     It was at times like these that Bendy wished he could jump out of the paper and give Henry a comforting hug. He couldn't though.
     "Hey Hen, I'm sure it's not too bad, what's the worst he could do?" Bendy tried reassuring his friend.
     "Yes well...he's the owner of a popular cartoon studio, you'd be surprised at some of the things people in businesses can get away with." Henry sighed.
     He certainly wasn't looking forward to the end of work.

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