Chapter 7

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Just like what Uncle Lao said, the night felt long and I woke up in the middle of it.

"What time is it?" I asked to myself while rubbing my eyes.

When my eyesight became clear, I saw that I'm in my room.

I stood up and got a cloak to cover my body from shivering because it's cold. I wanted to go to the garden where in the fountain was.

Earlier, Uncle Liu accompany me to tour me in this estate and the first place we went is the garden (where the fountain was) and as far as I know, that place is the nearer garden in the palace where I am in.

Surprisingly, there are no guards standing by the entrance of the palace so I easily went out.

When I got there, I saw how the fountain was shining because of the moonlight. I was more amazed when I felt the cold breeze of the midnight.

I closed my eyes. I love how peaceful the night here.

I sat down on the bench here and continued looking at the fountain to bring back my drowsiness.

"It's like magical fountain," I murmured.

My smile grew wider when I saw the moon’s reflection on the water in the fountain.

But then, I suddenly stood up when I saw someone else reflection on it. It's in the other side of the fountain.

When I look to see who is it, he's already staring at me.

He has a wheelchair and I am sure that he didn't greeted me a while ago too so I'm wondering who is this kid?

I tilted my head but then, when a strong wind passed by us, I saw how his silver-white hair got shined because of the moonlight and his deep blue eyes just like the water in the fountain.

He's so pretty.

My eyebrows met when I saw his clothes that are thin.

I came near him and putted the cloak on his body.

"It's cold," I said.

"Then, wear this," he said and looked at the cloak that I putted.

I shook my head. "No need since I'm going in to sleep again. Just keep that to warm your body."

He didn't speak but he just stared at me that made me awkwardly looked at him.

"Then, good night." I was about to go in again when he pulled my hand.

"Wait," he said.

I looked at his confusedly.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Just call me El," I said.

"El?" he asked.

"I'm hoping to see you again." I smiled again.

I'm wondering who he is...

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