Chapter 4 : Auriel's POV

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A month has already passed...

Since then, I tried to do anything that can let out Penelope's true color but it's always a backfire to me.

They will say that I always lack in manners, elegance and I'm being immature.

I thought everything will be fine as long as everyone will see her true color but... I can't even start my plan because there's one thing I lack.

I need the support of the other nobles or higher than the emperor's position.

It might be ridiculous but once I get the support of a person who has a lot of influenced to nobles, I can easily turn down the table for her.

Although, it's already not possible right now since Penelope's mother already influenced the nobles in our country, I came up with a solution that's why I'm heading to the Queen's palace right now.

"The princess has arrived!" the knight announced.

"Let her in," the queen said.

When I came in, I rushed to her and hugged her.

"How's have you been?" she asked.

I kissed her on her cheek. "I'm doing great."

As usual, mother prepared a whole table of sweets and cupcakes for me. It made me smile. She doesn't like the smell of sweets and even the taste of it, but she's staring at me right now. As if she's also enjoying watching me eat it.

I cleared up my throat after I drank a bottle of water. "I will get straight to the point, Mother. May I have the permission of you to let me go outside the country?" I asked.

Her face became serious and curiosity is written all over her face. "What is the motive of it?" she asked.

I closed my eyes and smiled. "I planned to go to the country where you are born. I wanted to see my grandfather and my other family."

It is true that I also have another motive to go there, but it's also a chance for me to finally see my other relatives because in the past, I never had the chance to do so.

Mother is surprised when I opened my eyes.

"A-Are you sure of that?" she asked out of happiness.


I didn't realized that after I answered her question, she rushed to hug me.

"I'm sure... father and my siblings will be happy to see you," she murmured.

"I hope so..."

After that, I prepared for the family's dinner for tonight. The queen won't be able to attend the dinner because she's doing a job that my father was supposed to do.

I'm ready to see what they planned to humiliate me again in front of the king.

Everyone is already at the dining hall when I arrived.

"I see... running late again, right? Princess Auriel?" The first thing that Penelope's mother said when I arrived.

Instead of minding her, I bowed and apologize to everyone for being late.

I sat down beside Kaizer.

"We shall start the dinner then," the king said.

Everyone is quietly having dinner not until someone ruined it.

"The queen hasn't able to attend the family's dinner again? Isn't she's too greedy for her own position? Oops! I mean... aside from being a queen, she's also a wife and a mother," Penelope's mother said.

I observed whether the first prince and the sixth prince will react but they just kept eating as if they're also agreeing with her.

She's not also wrong for what she said but she degraced my mother!

"The queen is unlike you. You did attend the dinner for tonight but you aren't able to fulfill your position as a mother. Now... who do you think is worster?" I asked.

Everyone stopped from eating while I keep munching the food after I said those.

"Also, she's a queen who has a lot of obligations in this country so, I do understand that's she's busy time-to-time. Unlike to that someone, who also has big obligations but is relaxing right now or whenever that person wanted to. How absurd, right?" I smirked.

"Mind your words," the first prince said.

I hummed and looked at him. "Oh? You actually know how to talk? Then, why did you kept silence when 'that' woman is degrading our mother? Also, I didn't said anything wrong. That's all a FACT."

"You're embarrassing yourself," the third prince said.

I smiled to him and told, "So, telling the truth is now equal to embarrassing myself? Huh!"

"Auriel Amethyst!" the king shouted.

That made me stopped from eating and looked at him.

"Take out all your anger on me tonight, FATHER. You might miss me if you don't." I grinned.

His eyebrows met. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm going to the homeland of my mother, the queen. I'll stay there with Kaizer and his mother," I told.

Both of them looked shocked... hehe! I'm sorry for not telling you this sooner, but I can't just leave the both of you here because I know what will happen once I'm gone.

"Until when?" he asked.

"I don't know that you're also curious about that, FATHER, hihi! But don't worry... you might not be able to see my face again because I might also not comeback here anymore," I responded.

That's a lie because I'll make sure that I'll take a revenge to everyone who made me suffered.

"You don't have my permission."

My eyebrows met. "I do have the queen's permission. The king and the queen has equal authority, right?"

Everyone became silent.

"B-B-Be careful there, Princess Auriel. I heard... t-there's a lot of dangerous mages there," Penelope stuttered.

I wanted to rolled my eyes in front of her but I can't so, I just smiled and kept an innocent face like what she did.

Seeing her playing as if she's scared and innocent in front of father made me sick!

"Don't worry. I'm not weak unlike you who will always hide behind the skirt of their mother," I responded.

I wanted to shout "unlike you" but I can't so I just whispered it. 

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