Chapter 14

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She's pregnant. Birgit is pregnant and I'm he biggest idiot out there.

I thought life was giving Declan and I a second chance, that this time we were going to make it work, not more running away or being cowards. But no. Barbie Malibu had to ruin it all.

"For God's sake, can you please stop!" Declan yells behind me.

"What?" I say, turning around. I hadn't noticed he was following me. Or that I had made it to the town's park.

"Just stop."

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

"I can tell" he says, trying to smile. "What Birgit said..."

"Congratulations" I say, my throat hurting as I try not to cry.

"There is nothing to congratulate me about."

"You are going to be a dad, Declan."

"No, I'm not."

"What? Didn't you hear what Birgit said?"

"I did, but it is another of her lies. Or if it is true, that baby isn't mine."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I haven't touched her in months. If she was pregnant and I was the father, she should be 6 months pregnant. And she doesn't look like it, does she?"

"She... Doesn't."

"Also, she just drank a whole glass of champagne. Pregnant women shouldn't drink alcohol."

"That's... True."

"I'm sorry I didn't break up with her before tonight" Declan says, moving closer. "I wanted to do it right, but I think she knew it was coming and kept avoiding me. But it is over. Tonight. I swear."

"Ok" I say, not being able to contain my tears anymore.

"I swear" he says, now standing in front of me, his thumb caressing my cheek. "For some odd reason we are getting a second chance, and this time I'm gonna make it work. Whatever it takes."

That makes me finally look him in the eyes, and I can see that he is being honest. That he means what he is saying.

"Declan!" Birgit yells behind us. "What the fuck do you think you are doing?"

"I could ask you the same question" he says, turning around to face her and keeping me behind him, kind of protecting me.

"Me? I'm not the one who ran away after I announced we are having a baby!"

"No, we are not."


"Birgit, you know that if you are pregnant, that baby isn't mine."

"What are you talking about, Deccy?" she says with a nervous laugh.

"You know it is the truth. If you are pregnant, I am not the father."

"That's... I..." she mumbles. She knows she's been caught, that this is over.

"We are done, Birgit" Declan says.

"Are you breaking up with me? Here? In front of her?"


"I can't believe it... I just... This is all your fault, you bitch!" she says, pointing at me. "Oh, don't look so surprised. This is what you wanted from the beginning. For us to break up so you could have him all for you! You are tired of your miserable life on this stupid town, and wanted what is mine!"

"I already told you, Birgit. He isn't one of your ugly bags, he is a person. You don't own people."

"You fucking bitch!" she yells, running towards where Declan and I are.

"What is going on here?" Mrs. Rice says behind us, making Birgit stop, her stupid long nails very close to Declan's face.

"I just broke up with Birgit because she is a liar. Maybe a cheater too. And she isn't taking it very well."

"Is that true, Birgit?" Mrs. Rice says in a very calm voice.

"Of course it isn't! It's all her! She is manipulating him, making him believe all her lies!"

"She isn't the liar here. You are" Declan says.

"I... Fuck you!" She screams. "Fuck you, both of you! And fuck this town and everyone on it!"

"Well, thank you for that" Mrs. Rice says.

"You won, bitch. He is all yours, enjoy him!"

"Oh, I will. Trust me" I say with a mischievous smile.

"Fuck you!" she yells one more time, her voice echoing on the park before she walks away.

"That was... Intense" Mrs. Rice says, trying not to laugh. "Everything alright here?"

"I think so, yes" Declan says, looking at me.

"Good. I'll go back to the pub and keep an eye on her. Who knows what she can do next."

"Are you ok?" Declan asks me once his mum has left.

"I think so, yes. Though I can't wait for Barbie Malibu to finally leave."

"Can I confess something?"

"Go ahead."

"Since the first moment you called her that, I found it very funny" he says with a cheeky smile.

"I am a very funny person, Rice. Sometimes a bitch, but also very funny."

"I know you are" he says, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me closer to him.

"Wait, what time is it?"

"What?" he asks, visibly confused about my question.

"5 minutes" I say after checking my clock.

"I'm... Lost."

"In 5 minutes, it'll be our first kiss anniversary."

"And that's important because..."

"Because you can't kiss me until then."

"Why?" he laughs.

"It's something Claire said, that it is as if we are starting all over again. You and I. That when you said to act as if we hadn't met before, it actually happened."

"Oh, I get it."

"It's stupid, I know. But..."

"No, it isn't" he says, pulling me a bit closer to him. "It's our second chance, and we are gonna do things right since the beginning. Keep what worked, and change what didn't."


"And our first kiss worked."

"I mean... It was a bit weird, but it was very romantic."

"Are you telling me I was a bad kisser?"

"It was our first kiss, Declan. My first kiss ever. It's normal it was weird. But you've improved a lot."

"Have I?" he says with a smirk.

"Yep. Or have you forgotten we kissed on your car not that long ago?"

"I haven't been able to stop thinking about that kiss since it happened."

"Neither have I. That's how I ended with a burnt hand."

"Sorry" he says, resting his forehead on mine. "But I guess that means I have indeed improved a lot."

"A lot" I chuckle.

"Is it midnight already?"

"I haven't heard the bells yet."

But as those words leave my mouth, they start ringing.

"Midnight. Can I kiss you now?" Declan asks.

"You can."

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