Chapter 3

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"I was surprised when you texted me."

"Oh, yeah, well" I say with a nervous laugh. I finally followed Claire advice and texted Benjamin, and here I am, on his car and on our way to the Italian restaurant in the town nearby. "I just thought now was the perfect moment since you don't have to work and all that."

"But you do have lots of work right now with all the tourists."

"I do, yes. But I needed a break and stop thinking for a while."

"About anything in particular?"

"No, just... Things."

"Sorry if I'm being noisy, but are those things related to Rice coming back to town?" Oh, he knows. He definitely knows. I told Claire he wasn't stupid.

"Maybe a bit." Or a lot.

"It must be difficult having to see him again after so long, and knowing what happened between you two. Last year I ended up working with a girl I dated in uni and... Yeah. It wasn't the best feeling."

"Why did you break up?"

"I was a dick. But I've learnt from my mistakes, I promise" he says with a smile. God, he is so pretty. And hot.

He's wearing a black shirt, a few buttons opened, and the sleeves rolled up, allowing you to see all his tattoos. He's also wearing rings, which I didn't know until now that it was a thing that I could find attractive. And he smells so good. Like, so so good. Maybe Claire's idea isn't that bad after all.


"After you" Benjamin says, opening the restaurant's door.

"Thank you."

"Good evening, miss. Sir" the waitress says.

"Hi, I have a reservation for Benjamin White?"

"Yes" she says after checking her notepad. "Follow me, please."

As we walk towards our table, I hear a familiar laugh. A very familiar laugh. It can't be.

"This is it" the waitress says, pointing towards the table next to Declan and Birgit's. I can't believe my luck.

"Oh, look who is here!" Birgit says when she sees us. "And with really good company."

"Hi" I say.

"Hello" Declan says, barely looking at me and fixing his gaze on Benjamin.

"Hi. Declan, right? Nice to meet you" Benjamin says, stretching his hand towards him.

"Hello, yes" he replies, uncomfortably shaking it. "And you are?"

"Benjamin. He is a friend" I quickly say.

"I am Birgit, it's very nice to meet you" she says, getting up from her seat and giving Benjamin a kiss on each cheek while grabbing him by the arms, definitely doing it so she can touch his biceps. "Why don't we have dinner all together since our tables are close? It'll be fun!"

"They probably want their privacy, Birgit" Declan says. "They are on a date."

"And so are we. But I don't know many people here, and since this is where we are gonna spend the summer..."

"You are staying here?" I ask.

"Yeah... Deccy isn't in the mood for Ibiza this year."

"Sorry to interrupt" the waitress says. "But are you eating together or..."

"No" Declan and I say at the same time.

"Ok..." she says. "I'll leave the menus here, call me when you are ready to order."

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