Chapter 1

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"I'm sure that if it was the Queen coming, they wouldn't be making such a fuss. They even cut the main road!"

"He isn't the Queen, but he is the most famous person this town has seen since... Forever?"

"What about that time Elton John stopped Lola to ask her for directions?"

"That's what Lola says, but no one else saw him. And you know her, she is constantly mixing people. Just say that it bothers you that all this is for him. No one will blame you."

"It doesn't bother me. And people will blame me. It's been 10 years, and they still give me pitiful looks when he wins something."

"Well, you were the one who left to fulfill her dreams because you didn't want to be stuck on this town, and then..."

And then things completely turned around, and I found myself back on this town, my dreams shattered, while the one who wanted to stay was out there living his dreams and being successful at it. Highly successful in fact.

"Do you think she's coming with him?"

"Even if he didn't want to bring her, she'll find a way to come. I've never seen a bigger attention seeker than that woman."


"Me? Of that woman? Please, Claire" I scoff.

"I don't know. You always speak of her with such... Hate."

"I don't hate her. I just dislike her."

"Because you wish you were her?"

"Oh, yes, I wish I was a woman with no purpose in life beyond taking selfies, getting nails the size on my foot, and self tanning. Badly."

"Rude. And that's not what I meant, and you know it."

"Whatever. I've moved on, and so should you and everyone on this damned town."

"Hey, don't talk like that about us. You've actually learnt to love it here. You are just too stubborn and proud to admit it."

"Yeah, yeah" I say, rolling my eyes.

"If I could have your attention, please" I hear my brother Dom say. He's the one who has organized this... I want to say charade, but they call it celebration. The town now has a new football pitch and a summer camp for kids from all around the area, which is something amazing. But what isn't amazing, is that for the inauguration they've called him. Declan Rice. One of the best football players of his generation, and England's captain among many other things. Like being my ex-boyfriend and the man I left standing at the altar 10 years ago.

"Thank you everyone for coming" Dom continues. "Today it's a very special day for our little town. Not only because we get to inaugurate these amazing new installations that will hopefully help our kids follow their dreams, but also because, finally, we've managed to have him back with us. The man who was able to follow his dreams, and become a star. Please give a warm welcome to the one and only, Declan Rice!"

"Did he actually have to say that last part?" I say while everyone around me has started cheering and clapping, some eyes looking in my direction to see my reaction. Because if it hadn't been for me, Declan would have followed his dad's steps and become a doctor, and he would have never gone to London to try and get a spot at West Ham's academy as he always dreamed of. I am the reason he is where he is. Well, his talent helped a lot too, but my decision was what pushed him to do it.

"Thank you everyone" Declan says from the little stage they've built for the occasion. "You can't imagine how special it is to be here today with all of you. With my people."

That makes the crowd cheer even louder than before, and I can't help but roll my eyes. Again. After that he continues talking, thanking the mayor and Dom for everything they've done, but I stop listen. I'm just looking at him, at how damn good he looks. He's always been handsome, but as he's got older, he's gotten better and better looking. And I hate myself for finding him that attractive. I've moved on. And seeing him run a hand through his hair, should not make me feel the things I'm feeling. It should not.

"So, yeah, thank you very much everyone. Love you all" he says, giving the microphone back to Dom before they all start posing for photos.

"Can we leave now? I have to work tomorrow" I say to Claire.

"But now is when they are serving the food! And the drinks! Now it's the fun part!"

"Then stay and enjoy it. I don't mind."

"But I do mind doing it alone. Please, stay just a bit more" she says, pouting.

"Ok, fine. But just for one drink."

"Yay!" Claire says, hugging me.


"There you are, sis" Dom says, coming to where Claire and I are seated. "I thought you would have left by now."

"I tried, but someone didn't let me" I say, nodding towards my friend.

"I'm glad she did. Because this is the adult thing to do. Especially when you keep saying you've moved on and all that."

"Don't they need you somewhere, Dom? Maybe taking more photos with him and Barbie Malibu?"

"She is really nice, you know? You should meet her."

"Speak of the devil..." Claire mutters.

"Dominic! Hey!"

"Birgit, hello. What can I do for you?"

"Well, we are having some issues with the champagne on our table, it isn't cold enough."

When I hear that, I can't help but laugh. But not a normal laugh, no. I do the ugliest laugh you could ever imagine.

"Sis, are you alright?" Dom asks.

"Yes, yes. My beer just went through the wrong way."

"Ok... Anyway, I'll see if I can do anything about the champagne."

"Thank you, Dominic. You are the best" Birgit says, batting her fake eyelashes before her eyes follow him as he disappears among the crowd. "So" she says, looking back at Claire and I. "You are her."


"You are Dominic's sister, aren't you?"

"I am, yes."

"Which means you are her. Deccy's ex. The one who abandoned him."

"I'm sorry, how did you just call him? Deccy?"

"Is there anything wrong with it?"

"No, no" I say, trying not to laugh. Again. "It's just that I had never heard that before."

"Well, that's because I came out with the name."


"Thank you. But you know... You aren't what I expected."

"How so?"

"You worked as a model, didn't you? I expected you to look like one."

"And how are models supposed to look like?"

"Like Sasha, for example."

"Sasha Pivovarova? Luss?" I ask her.


"Nothing, forget about it. It's late, I should probably go back home."

"Yes, yes" Birgit says. "You have to open the town's pub tomorrow, don't you?"

"Exactly. Someone has to give breakfast to the tourists."

"Good, good. But before you go..." she says, coming closer to me and grabbing me by the arm, stabbing me with her stupid long nails. "You better stay away from him. He is mine."

"I beg your pardon?"

"You know what I mean. Stay away from Declan." And with that, she lets go of my arm, giving Claire and I a big fake smile before walking away.

"What the hell was that?" Claire asks.

"I think Barbie Malibu just threatened me."

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