Chapter 2

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The next day, the only topic of conversation at the pub is the inauguration. And I feel like if I keep rolling my eyes with the things I'm hearing, they'll get stuck at the back of my head.

"Bro, did you see his new girl? She is so hot."

"I know, bro."

"Your breakfast" I say, putting the plates on the table.

"Oh, hi, sorry. We didn't see you there."

"Yeah, we didn't mean to be rude."


"We were talking about Declan's new girl..."

"And?" I say, arching an eyebrow.

"We thought..."

"You thought wrong. Enjoy your meal."

"Who are you hating on now?" Dom says when he sees me walking towards the counter.

"No one."

"Oh, c'mon. You were cursing under your breath, I heard you."

"It's nothing. But if people want me to move on, maybe they should stop apologizing for mentioning him? Make it something normal, like when you talk about the weather."

"On that, I'm with you. And I gotta leave."

"Now? Where?"

"They want me to check something at the camp. I'll be back before you know it, and Lily should be starting her shift soon. You'll be fine."

"I better."

"You will, sis" he says, kissing my cheek.


"Lily, now that things have calmed down a bit, I'm going up to the office to do some paperwork. If you need help, call for me."


This pub has been on our family for a few generations now. Dom was the one supposed to keep it going after our parents decided to retire, but it was me who actually did it after my French failure, mainly because he was still studying. And here I've been since then, managing the pub and actually making it thrive.

"Urgh" I say after looking at numbers for an hour. "I need some chocolate or my head is going to explode."

"Oh, sorry" someone says when I open the door to leave the office, clashing against me and grabbing me by the waist, my hands on his chest. His very hard and muscled chest.

"Declan" I whisper when I finally manage to look up, my eyes getting lost on his. Is it possible that they look even more beautiful than I remembered? And his lashes? My God, who has lashes that long and pretty? It's not fair.

"Hi" he says, his gaze focused on mine. I don't know for how long we stay like that, looking at each other, our hands on the other. But it feels like hours. "I was looking for Dom" he finally says, letting go of my waist and instantly making me miss his touch. Damn it.

"He said he had to do something at the camp" I say, taking a step back. "But that was a couple of hours ago."

"He called me 10 minutes ago and told me to meet him at the pub, so maybe he's on his way. Do you mind if I wait here? Downstairs people are being a bit... You know" he says, smiling while running a hand through his hair, all that combined making feel things I should not be feeling. Again.

"You can stay, yes. I was going downstairs."

"Why don't you wait with me? We could catch up."

"There is nothing to catch up with. And besides, I don't want Barbie Malibu getting mad." Fuck. Shit. Why did I say that?


"Nothing. I better go, so if you don't mind moving from the door..."

"That's Birgit, isn't it? She told me you were rude with her last night."


"Yes, you."

"I wasn't rude with her. She was the one who called me her while making a disgusted face, and the one who actually threatened me."

"Birgit will never do something like that."

"Then maybe you don't know your girlfriend the way you thought you did. Looks like she isn't just fake physically speaking." Shut up, woman. Shut up! That was so low.

"Oh, wow" he chuckles. "Maybe you are the one I don't know anymore. Since when are you such a bitch?"

"I don't know. Maybe since the day you also changed and started dating girls with half a brain cell?"

"Excuse me?"

"Let me go, Declan. This... Just let me go." Don't let me keep talking!

"Yeah, you better go. Who knows what venom you may spit next."

"Fuck you, Rice" I say, pushing him from the door and running downstairs.

10 years. We haven't spoken to each other in 10 years, and this is how our first conversation goes. I turn into a horrible person, and say things I shouldn't. Why am I such an idiot?


"That was so mean an unnecessary."

"I know."

"Like, so mean."

"I know Claire. I know" I say, closing my eyes and massaging my temples, trying to relax.

"One thing is telling me those things, but to him? Like..."

"I'm a bitch. He said it and he's right."

"But you only are a bitch when talking about her. Mostly."

"Mostly" I chuckle.

"You know what I think could help you?"

"Enlighten me."

"Getting laid."

"What?" I say, my relaxation mode gone.

"Yep. You've said before that exercise helps you get things out of your system. So maybe this type of exercise will help you with that, while also letting you relax and who knows, maybe stop thinking about Declan."

"I'm not... Whatever."

"Why don't you give Benjamin a call? He's been asking you out since he moved here."

"Him? Seriously?"

"He's stupidly hot, and is into you."

"He is stupidly hot, but not stupid. If I call him now, when my ex shows up in town after a decade, don't you think he'll suspect I'm doing it because I'm jealous?"

"Are you?"

"No!" Maybe a little? Nah. I'm not jealous of Declan and Barbie Malibu. I am not.

"Well, you won't know what Benjamin thinks until you speak with him, so" Claire says with a shrug.

"Fine. I'll text him. But if he starts thinking that I'm a desperate lame woman, it'll be all your fault."

"Better that than thinking you are a bitch."

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