Chapter 8

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"How is he?"

"Very weak and dehydrated, but good. Judging by what I've seen on other patients, he's already gone through the worst."

"There have been other cases?" I ask.

"Yes. I'm afraid there is a virus going around, I've treated other people with the same symptoms. So if you start feeling anything..."

"I haven't been sleeping at home for the past few days, so unless I got it at the pub..."

"Oh, I didn't know you were seeing someone. If I had known I wouldn't have tried to flirt with you the last time I saw you" the doctor says, blushing a bit.

"Don't need to apologize. We are still getting to know each other, nothing serious" I shrug.

"Then I guess he isn't that football player... The one with the Irish name. I prefer cricket and I know about Messi and that's it" he chuckles.

"It isn't Declan, no."

"So those things I heard about you two... they aren't true? Sorry if I'm being too noisy, you can't stop me any time."

"It's ok, don't worry. But some things are true, and some aren't. Most aren't, to be honest. Like the ones they are saying lately."

"It must suck when people gossip about you like that. Especially on such a small town."

"It does, yes" I sigh. "But I've got used to it. Or try to get used to it."

"Good, good... And I better leave and let you take care of your brother. Make sure he stays hydrated and that he starts eating. And if he doesn't improve, take him to the hospital."

"I will. Thank you very much for coming."

"Anything for you. For you two I mean" the doctor says, blushing again.


"I'm dying, sis."

"You are not dying, Dom. Stop complaining and drink."

"But I don't like how it tastes!"

"It has lemon, it tastes good."

"I don't like lemons."

"You don't say the same when you take tequila shots."

"Because the tequila makes it taste good."

"Well, if you want to be able to drink tequila again, you must drink this first."

"Ugh" he says, lifting his head a bit from the pillow and drinking from the glass I'm holding.

"A bit more, Dominic."

"You are enjoying this, aren't you?"

"Oh, yes, being your nurse is such a joy" I say, rolling my eyes.

"If I drink it all, you'll have to do something for me."

"Drink it and we'll talk."

"Ok, listen" Dom says when he is finished. "As you can imagine, I can't go anywhere on this state, which means that I won't be able to go with the camp kids to the trip we planned. But, you will be taking my place."

"I will not."

"Yes, you will. You are my last hope, Obi-Wan."

"Obi... Whatever. You have many friends. Can't you ask any of them?"

"They are either busy, working, out on holidays, or hate kids. I thought about asking Benjamin, but you said he went down to Brighton to see his family, right?"

"He did, yes."

"Then that leaves you as the only one I trust enough to go with the kids."

"But Dom, I can't leave you alone when you are like this. You still need help getting up from the bed, and the doctor said to keep an eye on you because you could relapse."

"Don't worry about that, mum is coming."

"You called mum already?"


"What about the pub? We can't leave Lily alone, and if mum is taking care of you, she can't help her."

"That's why dad is also coming."

"So you are having a family reunion while I'm away?" I chuckle.

"That's the plan, yes."


"Do it for the kids, sis. And who knows, maybe being out in the nature, seeing the stars at night, will help you figure out that something between you and Dec."

"You got sick on purpose so I would have to spend the weekend with him, didn't you?"

"I didn't do it consciously, I swear. But are you doing this sick and dying man this little favor or not?" he says, looking at me with puppy eyes.

"I guess I am, yes. But stop saying you are dying."

"Thank you, sis. Love you" he says with a big smile.




"So... Dom convinced you, uh?"

"I didn't have another choice" I shrug.

"Let's make a deal" Declan says, turning to look at me.

"A deal?" I ask, also looking at him.

"Yes. Or more like a truce. During this weekend, it'll be like we don't know each other from before, as if we just met today. So no reproaches, bickering or anything of what we've been doing lately. We are new people. The kids deserve to have a nice experience, to enjoy this weekend. So let's do it for them."

"Ok, then. For the kids."

"Good. I'm Declan, by the way" he says, stretching his hand and giving me his most charming smile, making my stomach do a flip.

"Nice to meet you, Declan" I say, shaking it and already regretting saying yes to this.

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