Thank you ♥️

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If noona still doesn't have a boyfriend, continue reading 🌝

Somewhat Unnecessary Rant:

You might have noticed me using the words pureblood and trueblood often in the last couple of chapters while I didn't do so in the previous ones when adressing either of the two main characters. I mostly used ravenette/goldened haired/older/younger/etc because both the characters clearly disliked the part of themselves that made them "special" as that speciality of their second gender was what brough ill-fate upon them. But now they have embraced that part of themselves. It is no longer something that holds them back from each other but actually it binds them both together.

This story was a product of my imagination running wild with inspirations I had drawn from various stories and also the concept of the group itself. The plot had been developing in my mind for a whole year before I actually started writing it. I knew how I wanted to end this story right from when I typed out the draft of its prologue. You might have even noticed certain dialogues that were in a much earlier chapters getting repeated later on in the story again, so to bring things into a full circle. I thought over every aspect of the plotline over and over again before updating each chapter, trying to maintain the consistency of the storyline as best as I could. But of course, I am no professional and surely my writing has a lot of errors. If you find any such error while reading, whether it's a wrong spelling, grammatical mistake or inconsistency in the plot, feel free to let me know and I will try to correct the error at once.

It's been almost a year since I published the very first chapter of this story, a story which has taken a very special place in my heart. I am content with the way it turned out and beyond thankful for your lovely response.

I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I did writing it.

See in you in the next one <3

Tainted Fate (Chanjin/Hyunchan)Where stories live. Discover now