Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

The new emperor is about to take the throne, and the court is full of busy joy. Today is the busiest day for the Ministry of Rites. It has mobilized the civil and military people of the whole dynasty to look forward to this day.

Gong Zhihou returned to the palace very early today and changed into the golden dragon robe. The pattern on this dress is extremely delicate. If the dragon is really visible, with every move of Gong Zhihou, the golden dragon on the robe also moves, and the shoulders still remain. Not particularly generous, but enough to hold up this dress.

He wears a crown, and the bead covers half of his face, making him more majestic. Today is also his twentieth birthday. Amnesty in the world, only because of him.

Zuo Zhu arrived in front of Gongzhihou Palace early today. After he had changed his clothes, he put on his body, knelt down on his knees directly in front of Gongzhihou, kowtowed three times in a row, lowered his head and said in a firm tone.

"The humble Zuo Zhu, petition to retire."

"I will."

Zuo Zhu had prepared a bunch of words. She even wanted to tell Gong Zhihou that she was a daughter, and she also planned to share her plans. He told Gongzhihou, but before she could say anything, he agreed.

"Reward a thousand pieces of gold, a hundred pieces of silk. Let's go."

She looked up at Gongzhihou in amazement, but saw that Gongzhihou's expression behind the bead was extremely indifferent, she saw Gongzhihou's eyes were deep, as if she wanted to He knew everything he said.

The current Gongzhihou is no longer the crown prince who is always cautious and pretending to be crazy, but a real monarch. He has to bear the fate of a country, and I don't know how many lives will be on him. He should be lucky to get what he has always wanted.

Zuo Zhu pursed his lips, knelt down to him three more times, and said aloud.

"Thank you, Lord Longen."

Zuo Zhu wanted to cry when she got up and left. She even heard the sound of drums in the distance, as if to bring back memories of her past. Will meet him again.

But she still whispered in her heart, "Happy birthday, little prince."

She will continue to work hard for the little prince's country, and she wants to add more prosperity to this dynasty.

The new sun is rising, and the morning glow is scattered over this piece of Divine Land.

Zhuang Zhu was also woken up early today by the eunuch and the maid, and put on his court clothes. Today is the enthronement ceremony. Logically speaking, the regent should also be in place. This ceremony is extremely solemn, and no chairs can be used anymore.

So the chief eunuch gave him a cane made of Moyu wood and let him lean on it. His current leg has not yet been able to walk, and his internal strength has been lost. Although Gong Zhihou has not tortured him with his mother Gu for a long time, the Gu and poison in his body are still eating away at his body. Physically, using crutches is still a bit difficult for him. Zhuang Zhu supported this crutch, because the enthronement ceremony had not yet begun, and he was still waiting in his palace, but he did not expect that Gong Zhihou would come to see him at this time, and he came alone. When he saw Gong Zhihou wearing a dragon robe, his eyes lit up, which was really beautiful. "You should know that I poisoned you, and I will not hide it from you. It is indeed what I did, and the Gu on your body was also planted by me." Gongzhihou finished speaking, and he was a little uneasy in his heart, even his heart froze. He couldn't help speeding up the frequency, he knew that the words came out, the future might be a stranger in the world, and he was betting, betting that what he heard that night was true. This person should have known for a long time that he was so smart. Maybe he even knew that he had sent someone to kill him. Zhuang Zhu stopped talking, raised his head and looked at him, as if all the emotions in his eyes were gathered, covered with a thin layer of shadow, waiting for the next. Gongzhi's thick and drooping beads were followed by a pair of eyes that contained a variety of mixed emotions, he said without changing his voice. "After today's enthronement ceremony, I will give you these two antidotes, and give you back your freedom. You can choose to stay or go."

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