chapter 34

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chapter 34

Gong Zhihou's dream last night was not good, because the warm embrace in the dream disappeared, so that he woke up very early this morning.

The warmer it is, the more he will feel nostalgic in his heart. People who have been short of love for a long time, once they taste that warm feeling, they can't stop.

Zuo Zhu also got up early this morning to wash up, and carefully prepared breakfast for Gongzhihou. But this morning's Gongzhihou was not as appetizing as a few days ago. She secretly guessed in her heart that it might be Zhuang Zhu's ghost!

Gong Zhihou went to court, Zuo Zhu could move freely in the harem, she saw Zhuang Zhu in the morning and found that he was reading, she gave him medicine and found that he was writing, and after lunch, she saw that he was still reading and writing advice to the current prince! this person! It's too calm! Do you consider the harem your own home?

Zuo Zhu wanted to find the concubines in the harem and let them find Zhuang Zhu's troubles, but she didn't even have the prerequisites to realize the first step, because there were no concubines in the well-governed harem! ! The rest are some of the late emperor's concubines, either always accompanied by the ancient Buddha, or they went to the fief with their sons.

It's not enough to punish Zhuang Zhu privately, Gong Zhihou is not blind, and it is not false that Gong Zhihou treats Zhuang Zhuo well! Although Gongzhi didn't say it on the surface, he secretly did things like seeing Zhuang Zhu secretly at night! So she felt that it was her who might be punished if this method was discovered. She naturally thought about poisoning Zhuang Zhu, but this is really unnecessary, because she knows that Zhuang Zhu has been poisoned. After all, she brought the original Qingyuetian silkworm poison into the palace. Zuo Zhu had a troublesome day today. So if there was anything to do, he swayed vigorously in front of Zhuang Zhu. You can always annoy Zhuang Zhu to death! On this day, Zhuang Zhun could see the heroine stinking around in front of his palace more than a dozen times all the time. From time to time, he made cold remarks and ridiculed a few words. Tudou was guessing whether the heroine liked Zhuang Zhu. Zuo Zhu came again in the evening to deliver medicine to Zhuang Zhu, and saw that the title on Zhuang Zhu's remonstrance book was remonstrance.

She snorted coldly and said, "What you call the law is tyranny and torture. Governing a country should win the hearts of the people, and those who lose the hearts of the people will lose the world. Prince Regent, you are so sinister and vicious, plundering other people's lives, you should always think of this day. The world is for the people. To help, those who don't obey the people will be attacked, not you alone. Besides, shouldn't the prince regent think about how to ask the prince for mercy and let you live?"

Zuo Zhu secretly mocked Zhuang Zhu for not winning the hearts of the people and under tyranny This kind of result is self-inflicted, and the last sentence is to attack Zhuang Zhuo's arrogance and self-esteem.

In the face of the heroine's remarks, Tudou said that he even wanted to eat melon seeds in the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

"Oh! Why is she here again! This is the eighth time today..."

Zhuang Zhu's reaction was as calm as ever, his eyebrows narrowed, but this time he rarely returned to Zuo Zhu's words.

"If the corrupt officials are not eliminated, the people of the world will be murdered by them. The people I kill are all people who should be killed. From the moment they violate the law, they are no longer among the people of the world."

Tsk tsk, when Brother Shu started to talk back, it proved that he was about to start getting caught. Potato watched the show with great interest.

Sure enough, when Tudou saw the positioning of the government, he was less than three steps away from the palace.

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