The GP3 And GP2 Stage

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Rosberg was a thoughtful driver, very intelligent, friendly and approachable, Rosberg rose to the top of the motorsport world: German Formula BMW Champion (2002), 4th in the Formula 3 Euro Series (2004) and GP2 Series Champion (2005).

Rosberg was finally been given a seat in formula 1 for Williams racing in 2006 along side Mark Webber

Even if Hamilton was a year late, he was never left behind.

Perfectly combining talent and work during his brilliant career in Karting, Lewis Hamilton was ready for other challenges. The titles obtained in Formula Renault UK (2003), Formula 3 Euro Series (2005) and GP2 Series (2006) gave him access to the top discipline of Motorsport.

Hamilton was also been given a formula 1 seat with McLaren in 2007 along side 2x world champion, Fernando Alonso(2005,2006)

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