5. Look at me.

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"Look at me and i'll tell you."

Did i hear that right.

I scoffed. "Yeah right. Tell me what you know Ghosty."

I don't think that nickname amused him.

"You didn't like that? Ghosty? Does that nickname piss you off?" I said laughing, still haven't turned around, but i already know i just signed a death wish.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" I hear the door slam and heavy stomps making their way towards me.


"Look at me."

I didn't. I couldn't.

"I said fucking look at me." he said, almost growling at me. What the fuck is his problem.

I turn around, hands still over my chest. I look up at him, "is this what you wanted?"

He suddenly grabs my throat and quite literally levitated me off of the ground.

"Don't you fucking dare ever speak to me like that." His grip on my throat doesn't loosen as his eyes roam my body.. landing on what's obviously infront of him.


"It's on the table to your right." He finished and let me drop to the ground. As if i wasn't already healing from my previous wounds. He left me holding my throat, i attempt to catch my breath.

But before he walked out, i wanted to ask him something that's been on my mind,

"The mask. Take it off." I wanted to edge him. I wanted to see what he was capable of.

"And show my face?"


There was a long pause, "Negative."

"Are you ugly, Ghost?"

He scoffed, "Quite the opposite." He replied before opening the door and making his way outside.


A couple days pass by and Alejandro, Soap, Ghost, and I made our way through the town in a military truck. Ghost and i haven't spoken since the...incident. So the awkward silences we've been having were deafening. I must've mistook our 'conversation' as flirting, i could be wrong. He's hard to read.

Alejandro was driving., Soap was in the passenger seat... which left me and my biggest fan in the back together.


Atleast he opened the door for me to get in. And they say chivalry's dead.

Alejandro was explaining the next mission to us, but i was fixated on Ghost to my right, who was gazing out into the streets as we drove by. He seemed so mesmerized by the lights.

"Take a picture. It'll be easier to wank off too later." He whispered without looking at me.

"Let me grab my camera then." I replied. Which made him turn to look at me, clearly taking him by surprise. I like this funny and flirty banter, i hope it means we're becoming somewhat okay.

He continued it, "You wouldn't be able to handle it."

"And what gave you that impression?" I teased.

"Just a feeling." He responded and looked away. He was over this conversation. Even when i try to be nice he's a dick. My charms usually work on people, specifically men, but they don't work on him.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I edged on, wanting to hear the rest of this conversation.

"Keep your focus on the mission y/n. Wouldn't want you to be distracted." I can't tell if he's joking or not.

"Be distracted by what? You? Weren't you the one trying to get a little look a couple days ago?" i argued back, clearly kidding.

His neck snapped the left to look at me, i immediately regretted what i said. He didn't look pleased.

Our little brawl was interrupted by Soap asking Ghost something. I spaced out. Too busy fantasizing about murdering Ghost in his sleep.

We finally got to our destination, Ghost saw me struggling to get out of the car, as it's lifted and w couple feet off the ground and didn't even bother to help me. Alejandro noticed me struggling and kindly helps me out of the truck, I'm seriously debating risking if all for this man.

I don't understand mine and Ghosts 'friendship', one minute he's a dick, then he saves my life, then we're 'flirting', then he's back to being a dick.

I don't know what to do with him, usually my flirting makes men weak, but it doesn't work on him. And i can't match his energy because he'll probably kill me. He's tried already for a joke i made.

I'm conflicted.


Mission failed. Hassan wasn't in the farmhouse Shepard told us to search.

It was only 4 of us clearing out the farmhouse, Shepard sent one of his men in a chopper gunner just in case there were more of hassan's men outside then expected. But It was completely empty when we got there.

They must've been tipped off somehow.

We all loaded up in the truck to drive back to base, it's silent the entire ride there. We're all very frustrated and tired. I could tell when missions go south like this Ghost becomes even more of a dick. So goodie for me who had to sit in the back with him.

We don't know how Hassan keeps escaping, but we need to find him. And we need to find him fast.


Luckily the room they put me in had a bathroom so i can wash off all of this blood and dirt. I let some of the men In there first so i could take a small nap before hopping in the washroom. I'm seriously so burnt out.

I don't know how many hours have passed by the time i woke up, it couldn't have been that long. So i got up and grabbed all of the things i needed to shower with, i went to open the door to see the most beautiful man i've ever seen staring back at me.


I cant help but look.. 6'3/6'4, black eyes, black hair, huge toned pecs, tattooed cover arms, a beautiful face with a scar on his left cheek, and the biggest dick i have ever fucking seen. But I then notice something on the ground,

A skull mask.

You Can't Kill a Ghost (Simon Riley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now