4. White Shirt

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I woke up to a bright light shining in my face.. is this heaven?

"Finally." said a deep voice.


"Well hello to you too Ghost." I fully open my eyes too see myself in a bed back at our base. How the fuck did i get here?

"Y/n? Oh thank God i thought i lost you." I see Soap running in through the big doors, engulfing me in a hug. I love seeing big tough men act like softies.

"You can't get rid of me that easy." i mumbled into his shoulder. My heads still laying on Soaps shoulder as i look up and catch Ghost locking eyes on me.

Soap eventually let go of me, "You were out for so long i thought you died y/n." Soap said anxiously, my attention was then brought back to him.

"What do you mean?" I frantically tried getting out of the bed, "How long was i out?"

"A week." Ghost replied. "You shouldn't do that, you're going to hurt yourself."

"Since when did you care about me?" I crossed my arms against my chest and looked up at him.

He laughed. He fucking laughed. And not like a 'haha you're funny' laugh, it was a 'you're a bitch' laugh. And then he walked right out of the room. I looked at Soap with shock written all over my face and he shrugged his shoulders,

"He saved your life, be nice."

"You want me to be nice? You should've seen how he was treating me. If i wasn't your sister i doubt he even would've helped me."

He sighs, "That's just how he is. I've known Ghost for over a decade, i think the nicest thing he's ever said to me was that he visited Scotland once and liked the weather. Don't take it to heart y/n." He pushed me back onto the bed, "Stay put. You're not allowed to walk around yet until the medic takes a look at your wounds."

"Okay brother." i muttered, i hate when he bosses me around. "Where are we?"

"Mexico. Shepherd said that the cartel could be linked to Hassan. We're looking for all of their bases right now." He responded as he got up.

I waited until he walked out of the room to get up and get dressed, i don't know who undressed me because i'm the only women on this task force. I grew uncomfortable and felt self conscious.

I really hope it was Soap, and he closed his eyes the entire time. Hopefully it's not who i think it is, because that would be embarrassing beyond words.

But i can't help being attracted to him, I hate him and he hates me, these thoughts are extremely unprofessional and inappropriate.

But the attraction i feel towards him is undeniable. It's only been a few days, but you'd be a fool not to find a man like him desirable.

I quickly grabbed whatever clothing i had in the corner, a white shirt and beige cargos. Fuck, where the fuck is my bra. I only brought 1 like a dumbass, if one of the men hid it as a joke, i will kill them, because this shirt is see through.

This would only happen to me.

It's fine. i'm sure it's not that noticeable. (It's noticeable.) I'll just keep my arms crossed i'm sure no one will notice. (someone noticed) I walk out of the room- well more like limped out of the room and found the men huddled around a map in the warehouse.

"Hello boys." I said as i stepped in. Arms still across my chest.

Soap was first to turn around, "You're supposed to be in bed y/n."

"You knew i was going to stay in it, don't play dumb." i scoffed and stood by him.

"What's wrong with your chest? Is it hurting?" Soap asked worryingly.

"No i'm just cold. Yes, very cold."

"We're in Mexico. It's June." He responded.

"Shut up- what are we looking at." I ignored his remark, he's right, It's really fucking hot.

"This is the map of Merida." I hear a new voice to my left and see a beautiful hispanic men with the sexiest accent.

"Colonel Alejandro Vargas." He took my hand and kissed it. "It's a pleasure bella." (beautiful)

"Lieutenant y/n, the pleasures all mine." I said smiling.

Once he lets go of my hand i immediately put her back to where she belongs. I need this debriefing to be over so i can look for my vest or something to cover myself up with.

Hopefully no one's noticed.

My eyes roam the room looking for a set of black eyes, and i find them. Looking rather annoyed.

But then he brought his attention back to me, slowly dragging his eyes from the top of my head to the bottom of my combat boots. Is he trying to size me up again? Right now?

Every time i attempt to open my mouth and speak, he interrupts me. Mansplaining everything that comes out of my mouth.

After a while he could see the annoyance on my face, his expression becomes amused, like he won an argument.

He's trying to get under my skin. And it's working this far.

But then his eyes followed the placement of my arms.


I bet he fucking took it. He so fucking took it, there's no one else here that would do something like that to me.

He's out to get me. Once the debriefing was over i started searching for my bra or vest. I walked back into the room they put me in looking for a glass of water, i didn't realize how thirsty i was.

"Looking for something?" His deep voice startled me, resulting in me spilling the entire cup on my shirt. This shit would only happen to me. This isn't 50 shades of grey for fucks sake. No one gets a look. Not for free.

"Why yes i am. Do you happen to know where it is?" I said without turning around.

"Look at me and i'll tell you."

You Can't Kill a Ghost (Simon Riley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now