16. Regrets

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(A/N: WARNING: there is some abuse that will occur, so if that triggers you skip over it it's only a couple sentences. this idea was given to me bywhatthehellamidoingY, so s/o to shorty <3)

Also, for my wonderful readers who are waiting for smut, it's coming in the next chapter, i promise lol.)

He hasn't spoken to me in 4 days.

The longest 4 days of my life.

He's been avoiding me like the plague, and i don't understand what went wrong. I keep retracing my steps and analyzing our conversations but i don't think i've done any wrong. Have i? Maybe it was mistake telling him i loved him. I don't know why i was hopeful he would tell me he felt the same.

I feel like an idiot.

He's confusing. One minute he's hot, the next he's cold. I thought i could fix him,

but people won't change unless they want to change. It's hard fixing something that's been broken for decades.

And i hate that i'm so heartbroken. I let him into my heart, and he broke it. With no remorse, it's like i don't exist to him. Every time i would try to speak to him, something as simple as a hello, he looks right past me as if i was invisible.

Do you know what that does to a person?

I'm a fucking idiot for letting him have my heart.

A fucking idiot.

Captain Price, Soap, He and the rest of the soldiers went to town to scope out Hassan's men.  They're everywhere. I don't understand how much power this man holds, i've never seen a terrorist with so much influence over people. I stayed back to do some paperwork they needed to be done, and i didn't want to be around him anymore. I cant look at him anymore, knowing i might never see his face again. Which makes me want to shrivel up and cry.

How pathetic.

I heard a story about Hassan and.. him having some sort of history together. After he murdered 20 of Hassan's men in Iran, which wouldn't have been such a big deal considering that's what we all have been doing for the past couple of months.

But amongst those men was Hassan's brother.

I cant say his name anymore. I'm going to be viewing him as another Lieutenant for now on, i refuse to acknowledge him. What hurts the most that he doesn't even care, I'm the one who's crying to sleep every night.

But he was right, i am too good for him. I just need to know what i've done wrong, or what's going on inside that head of his. Did i scare him off? Was i too forward? This will drive me to insanity if i don't find out soon.

And i hate that i blame myself. Because i know it isn't, but he made me feel like it was.

I've been waiting for them to come back for a few hours now, and i've grown bored. I don't know what's taking them so long.

I finally hear the main door opening in the building,


I suddenly feel a sharp poke in my neck and the sound of men yelling in a foreign language.

I feel my eyes close and my body goes limp.


I slowly open my blurry eyes to see a bright light shining in my face, the smell of rotten flesh and feces fills my nose. I look down to see my legs are tied together, and feel arms tied behind my back.

Where the fuck am i.

"You're finally awake, y/n."

I hear a man with an accent speak from behind me.

"Where am i? Who are you?" I start thrashing around in the chair that they had me in.

"You know who i am. And i know who you are. Your men have been attempting to find me for a while now." he said as he walked to the front of me.

"Hassan." i said. "What do you want from me?"

"You'll soon find out. You're going to be a very important asset to me, y/n." he said as he smiled, the most creepiest smile i have ever seen.

"Where are they? Did you take them too?" i now start to panic.

"Don't worry, i won't hurt a hair on your boyfriends head." He said as he got in my face. Confusion written all over mine. Does he know?

"I have men all over the world y/n. Which means i have eyes and ears everywhere.. I knew where Shepard built his base in Mexico and Amsterdam. So i sent my men to watch all of you. How do think i got away everytime?" He began pacing around the filthy room and continued, "But one specific person stood out to me, can you guess who?" He got close to me again.

"I've been attempting to capture Ghost for quite some time now, but you know, You Can't Kill a Ghost. So it's been difficult capturing him. But i found the next best thing." he pointed his finger at me, "You!" He said as he threw his head back laughing. "I know about your little...romance."

My eyes widen in shock.

He then grabbed my hair and made me look at him, nearly breaking my neck in return.

"What do you think he's going to do when he finds out i killed his precious y/n? Hmm?"

"They'll find me. And kill you. You won't get away with this!" I screamed

I feel a burning sensation hit my cheek, he slapped me. Hard. Enough to draw blood.

"What the fuck!" i screamed, wishing i could tear this men into shreds. "What are you going to do with me." I hesitantly asked...


*Third Point of View, Back at the base.*

Price, Soap, and Ghost finished what they were doing in and came back to the base to tell y/n the intel.

But when they got out of the car they noticed the big doors that lead to the building were broken, and left wide open.

They hurried in to see all of the rooms were trashed. But most importantly, they couldn't find y/n.

"Y/n!" shouted Soap. Running around the place looking for her. "Where the fuck is she!" Panic set in. She would never leave without letting them know first.

They saw empty syringes on the floor.

She was taken.

And they knew who took her, and that he had no remorse. And she could possibly be dead by now.

Ghosts heart dropped. A heart that he didn't know he had. The thought of losing her would bring him to insanity, he doesn't think he could handle that heart break. As much as he tried to deny it,

He loved her.

And he promised himself that he would never physically hurt her again. Which he regrets, dearly. But he broke that promise after leaving her in the dandelion field. Not realizing that emotional pain hurts more than physical pain.

And the look on her face will forever be imprinted in his mind. He thought what he did was for her own good, making her hate him so she stays away.

But he blames himself. He never leaves her alone, and he never left her alone because he has a fear of abandonment. He was always worried something would happen to her, because he knew if he lost her he would become more ruthless than he already was.

He thinks if he hadn't left her alone back at the base than she wouldn't have been kidnapped. And he's made it his life's mission to find her.

Not giving a fuck who he has to kill in the process.

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