20. Nightmare

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(A/N: Sike.)

"Fuck!" i woke up in cold sweats. Trembling and shaking.

I woke Simon up, making him jump in return,

"Holy shit y/n, what's wrong!"

"Nothing... i had a nightmare that.. never mind i don't want to think about it." i grabbed his neck and nearly choked him by how tightly i was holding him.

He chuckled,

"Woah there, at ease Soldier." He pulled my head away and looked at me,

"What's wrong?" He sounded worried.

Big scary strong Ghost simping over a women?

We got him boys. I'm him.

"Nothing, just kiss me." He grabbed my face and gave me one of the softest kisses i've received by him yet..

"I love you, Simon." He pulled away.. hoping he will tell me he loved me too.

"I love you, y/n."

My heart flutters. He loves me.

He loves me.

"I thought you had a cold heart Simon 'Ghost' Riley." I smirked.

"I thought i did too."


I fly back to Scotland today, Soap is staying behind with Price, but Simon hasn't told me where he's going yet.

He avoids the question every time i bring it up, i don't know if he even wants to be with me.

I try to hold his hand or hug him, something i guess a couple would do. But he's also been avoiding that word, i've asked him what we were multiple times, but he doesn't give me an answer.

He's hot.

He's cold.

He's hot.

He's cold.

Make up your fucking mind. I stopped talking about our future around him, every time i do he starts avoiding me all together. As much as i thought i could change him,

You can't change someone unless they want to change.

And i don't know if he wants to change.

I thought he would change for me, but maybe i'm not important enough to him.

I know i'm being dramatic.

I know i'm blaming myself.

But what else can you do?

I need my big brother, i have to find Soap before i fly back, we haven't had a real talk since we got here. I've been focused on Simon, and Soap was focused on the mission.

Which i was supposed to focus on too, but come on. Who wouldn't have done the same when they saw that beautiful beefy mind walk out of those plane doors.

I went to find Soap,

"Johnny!" i ran up to him and gave him a bear hug.

"Woah there, what's up with all the love." he laughed but hugged me back.

"I don't know. I missed my big brother."

"I've missed you more.."

We then we said it at the same time,

"We need to talk"

I pulled away, "Yes, we need to talk."

We found a more secluded place,

"I didn't know you were involved with our Lieutenant."

"Well, you don't have to know everything."

"Yeah, but i could hear most of it."

Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god-

The look. On my face.

He starts laughing, he's fucking laughing.

"I'm kidding, i heard most of the arguments, wait so you two have been-"

"Shut the fuck up before i end you."

"Okay, okay my fault."

I missed him.

"When are you coming back to Scotland? I need your annoying ass with me, i'm not fighting alone." I sternly pointed my finger at him.

"I'm not sure yet, we have some things we need to finish up first." He paused, "I'm sorry about Simon."

A look of confusion was all over my face,

"What do you mean?"

His eyes widen, he knows he fucked up.

"I thought he told you, he was called for a mission in Russia." he finished.

My heart broke.

"No. He didn't tell me." I'm stunned, what do i do with information like that? "When did he tell you?"

"2 months ago."

So that fucking bastard knew he was leaving, and he didn't tell me? Is that why he was pushing me away at the dandelion field? Is that why he was avoiding me? Is that why he was avoiding me?

He's dead.

He's fucking dead.

I didn't respond to Soap and stormed away. I'm going to go find him.

I spent over an hour looking for him, no one knew where he was. I was growing anxious by the minute.

Finally, i hear a car pulling in.

I cant control my anger right now.

I stormed up to him,

"You fucking bastard! You knew you were leaving and you didn't tell me?!" And i punched him. Hard. "OW!" i definitely just broke my knuckles.

He didn't say a word. What a coward.

"Look at me!" i screamed in his face.

He looked up at me, finally.

"Yes, i'm leaving."

I stood there. Stunned.

He's fucking dead. I'm going to ruin you Simon Riley.

You Can't Kill a Ghost (Simon Riley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now