Chapter 11

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Allison POV 

A few weeks later, when Niall and I thought it was safe to go out with each other again, we asked Harry to call the guy who does it for all of the other boys, and then we were off.

Niall and I have decided to get matching tattoos. We've been going out for a long time, and decided we both wanted to get tattoos for one another. 

We get to the shop, and I immediately become a bit woozy. I don't have any tattoos, and neither does Niall.

We see a guy come out from the back of the room, and he is completely covered in tattoos. He has on a pair of khaki short and a black muscle shirt, and is very much toned. He has some very long black, shaggy hair for a guy that he has pulled back into a ponytail. He immediately smiles, and starts talking. 

"Hi, I'm Xavier, I'll be doing both of you guys today. Do you guys know what you want?" he asks. 

 "We both want to get the infinity sign on our wrist", Niall says. 

We both decided on getting the infinity sign, since we're both certain that our relationship is gonna last awhile, maybe even forever. 

"Alright! Who wants to go first?" Xavier asks us. 

Neither one of us say anything, so Xavier takes Niall's hand and pulls him to a chair. I blindly follow behind them, and Niall sits down in a seat. After Xavier cleans off his wrist, I can hear the buzzing of the needle. A few seconds in, the buzzing changes sound and I can hear Niall's quick intake of breath. 

I immediately grip his other hand, and he squeezes it for reassurance. He smiles at me, and I peck his cheek. 


My wrists hurts quite a bit. But I got through it without crying. I'm pretty proud of myself. Niall and I are driving home, when he asks me something I realize I never told him. 

"Hey babe, whatever happened to your Mum? Uncle Simon never talked about her and you haven't mentioned her either", he says.

"Oh, alright. There was one night my mom and I were in the car, and I would have been only a few months old. We got into a car accident that left deaf and she died on impact. My dad wasn't with us because he didn't know about me until the accident. My mom refused to tell my dad about me, but I never really knew why. It doesn't matter to me, anyways. My mom had her reasons. My dad got full custody of me when my mom died, and I've been with him ever since. I don't even remember my mom. I was too young", I say, and thinking of it makes me want to cry. 

I never had the chance to have my mom. She died when I would have been too young to remember her. I still love her though. She was my mom, and always will be. 

A few tears fall, but I wipe them away quickly. 

"Oh, I'm sorry Allie, I didn't know", he says, his thick Irish accent showing through. His accent is adorable. 

We stop at a red light, and he kisses me slowly, sweetly. But the light changes green, and he has to pull away. 

We go back to the flat, and immediately want to go to bed since it's really late and the boys have another interview tomorrow. Sometime next week, they are supposed to start a world wide tour starting in Ireland. Niall is so excited to go back to Ireland since he's from there. I'll be going with them on the tour since my dad doesn't trust me, and I almost always go on tours with them anyways. 

We enter through the door, and immediately see two people sitting at our table in the dark. Thinking it's two of the boys, I turn on the lights. 

It isn't any of the boys, though. 

It's Taylor and Katie. 


There is only one chapter left in this book. There might be an epilogue, it is still in the works. There will be a sequel, so watch out for it. It will be called Still the One. (Please don't put that into context yet since no one but myself knows what happens next.) I will post the blurb and the prologue immediately after this book is done, but will not truly start the book until April 13th. 

P.S. I changed the tattoo artist's name from Matt to Xavier, to remove any confusion between Xavier and Matty. 

They Don't Know About Us. **A Niall Horan Love Story**Where stories live. Discover now